
crystal986 Posts: 17
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok I have been dieting since the first week in February and as of 3 weeks ago I was down 13lbs. This was even after Spring break where I TOTALLY blew my diet. Now, I usually don't completely enforce my 1200 calories goal on weekends, I barely even keep track of it. BUT while I'm probably not staying around 1200 calories I'm definitely NOT going over around 1900 on weekends ONLY. Now over the weekend I lost 1.2lbs, and this was after eating out and not sticking to my diet at all! Then today, after 3 days of following my diet strictly, I've gained 0.7lbs. I was SURE I had lost at least a little. But I GAINED weight, after sticking to my diet for 3 days. What the heck?? I have been allowing myself to have a little break on the weekend since I started this, so I can't figure out what the problem is. 3 weeks and NOTHING? I keep gaining and losing around 1lb. It's annoying! =(


  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    have you been drinking your water and eating all your excercise cals? i notice when I have higher sodium stuff the water weight really shows up.
  • I haven't been drink AS much water. That's a good tip, I hadn't thought about it. And yes, I almost always eat my exercise calories. Unless it happens to get too late before I realize I have too much of a deficit! =\
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476

    How many calories are you eating?

    You gained .7 in 3 days? This could be due to water weight, TOM, too much sodium, etc. .7 in 3 days is not a big deal.

    Are you counting everything you eat? I mean every bite?

    Are you working out?

    Drinking water?

    It's normal to lose about 1-2 lbs per week.

    I honestly think you are really freaking out too soon honey. Slow and easy wins the race.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    And if you don't eat enough you will put your body into starvation mode and you won't lose any.
  • I try to never be under 1200 calories, I've heard to much about this "starvation mode" thing. I DO work out, plus I do a lot of walking at school just from place to place. I count my calories very carefully during the week, and while I still count them somewhat on the weekend, I don't stress as much about it. I just make sure I don't go crazy and have like 2500 calories in a day or something! The water thing could defiitely be the problem! I haven't been drinking as much water, and I honestly wasn't drinking that much to begin with! =\ I guess I am just so annoyed because it was so easy up until now! I was losing weight regularly and not trying TOO hard. So it has me frustrated!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Sodium will get you every time lol Or it got me. When you start watching how much sodium is in the foods you are eating you will be shocked
  • For me I find that my 'indulgences' don't show up immediately on the scale, even though logically it seems they should. So if I indulge a little on the weekend, on Monday the scale might still be a nice number but it'll do a little creeping up over Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. I would give it more time. Also I would track on the weekends.
  • MadHatR5
    MadHatR5 Posts: 33 Member
    I'd track your sodium intake for a while.

    Also, the more water you drink, the less water you will retain. Your body has a dehydration defense system when it comes to water. When I first increased my water intake, I was running to the bathroom every hour! But my body eventually got use to it and the restroom trips are back to normal.

    Is your carb intake up and down from day to day? Just wondering because carbs convert to glycogen molecules which also bind with water cells.

    I have been getting better at trying to think long term, but I still find it hard sometimes when I don't see the scale going down.

    Just stick with it!
  • In my experience (over the last three months anyway!) the weekends have not been having an impact on my weight loss. Like I said, I don't track everything I eat on the weekends because when eating out it can be difficult to find the amount of calories in the foods at some places. BUT, I'm also not ordering giant cheeseburgers and stuff like that. I'm still watching what I eat, just not like I do during the week (because I don't eat out during the week). In fact, the week after Spring break I lost 3lbs in a week. And over Spring break, I basically ate whatever I wanted. I'm thinking most of you are right, so I AM going to start tracking my sodium and drinking more water. I also am thinking of bumping my calorie goal up to 1300, just to make sure I'm never under 1200. I try to never be under 1200 but it gets difficult when I see I have about 100 calories left and it's too late to eat, or I'm not hungry! Thanks for all your help guys!
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