What am I doing wrong?



  • barbiesnd
    barbiesnd Posts: 54 Member
    I was feeling the same. I'd lost 20lb's then everything just stopped. I started weighing myself almost daily, I stayed the same, I weighed 2lb's more, 4lb's more, 2lb's less back to 20lb's....it was driving me crazy!!

    Then I stopped weighing and measured. I'd lost 10 inches!! That's not even including my thighs (which I had forgotten to measure when i started) So guess what, the scale doesn't mean much, you should still keep an eye on things, but toning up and not giggling as much.............priceless!!!!
  • Fuzz610
    Fuzz610 Posts: 16 Member
    Also remember the hamburger and fries from a bar or restaurant are loaded with sodium and that will make you temporarily gain water weight.

    Stick with it your doing great!
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Get a scale for home and just weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up, before you have breakfast but after you go to the bathroom. Even if that scale is off by your doctor's office or gym, you will still have a consistent measurement equipment and you will know whether you have lost or gained, as well as how your weight fluctuates based on TOS or the types of food you eat.
  • kebbie2012
    kebbie2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Put the scale away and keep at it!!!!
  • aziapatrick
    aziapatrick Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! After yesterday I was ready to just give up, but after hearing from you I have a renewed faith in the system!