Walking is a pain

Today I went on a two mile walk, which is something I have been talking myself out of doing since the last time I did it which was last Sunday (not yesterday). My excuse has been "its too cold". Almost talked myself out of it again today but the weather was good so I went. I Went during the hottest part of the day and the sun was beating on me the whole way, but I digress. This time the soft pallet of my foot just below my toes on my right leg hurt like a burning stinging sensation with every step and it really slowed me down. It hurt less when I walked slower, and when I got home just sitting with both feet on the ground it was still stinging/burning. Anyone know why this is and how to make it stop? Also why is when I get done walking I feel like someone beat me with a stick, but when I do a Tae Bo workout I feel fine and I burn more calories (according to MFP). I want to move I have hopes of someday being in a 5K but at this rate..... IDK. Anyways thanks for reading about my fat girl problems.