Looking for friends!!

I'm new to the message boards but have been on mfp for a couple of months (logging on daily) would really love to have new friends to offer and receive some support :)

My details are:

Age: 30
Start weight: 152lbs
Current: 144lbs
Goal: 124lbs


  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    Hey, I a newly active MFP user and would like to expand my circle of friends for additional motivation (gotta lose those last 20 pounds). Feel free to add me.
  • Today is my first day on here and I just love it so far. I hope I can stick with this. I want to lose those last 10 pounds that have been hanging around for years since having 3 kids. I'm determined to do it this time. I need encouragement too. talk to you soon