Anyone else get cold hands & feet after exercising?

I have been experiencing cold hands and feet after my workouts. Sometimes it lasts several hours. I generally have good circulation, and it is only after my workouts that this happens. My workouts have generally been indoors. I asked my doctor and nutritionist, and they both seemed a bit baffled by it, not ever hearing of it before. It isn't serious enough to pursue further testing - I am posting mostly for curiosity's sake

Has anyone else experienced this?


  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I do too. Sometimes I have to run my hands under warm water just go get feeling in them again. I don't know what causes it and will be looking to see what others say too.
  • mudonthetires856
    mudonthetires856 Posts: 79 Member
    It's not just my hands & feet that are affected. My entire body is FREEZING after a hard (cardio) workout. I've tried taking super hot showers immediately after the workout, layering clothing, sitting in front of a heater, but nothing seems to work for me. Usually lasts about 2-3 hours. It's almost like when I'm overheated, my body overcompensates trying to cool me off & makes me too cold. Probably not at all what really happens, but I like to pretend that I'm right.