Early Birds - what inspires your morning workouts?



  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I *love* the feeling of walking out of the gym at 7:30am, showered and ready take on the day! (I especially love passing people just entering the gym and thinking, "been there, done that..." ;)
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    I workout twice a day. In the morning, I do weight training at home. I love the way it makes me feel and I'm much more energized throughout the day. After work, I go straight to the gym to do cardio (currently doing C25k). With my school and work schedule, I do not have the time to put off all of my workouts to the end of the day so waking up earlier is essential.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Because I dread afternoon workouts much much more than getting up in the morning. My other motivation is that I don't have to fight for my treadmill (sad that I have to) in the morning.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    My kids get on the bus at 6:30, and then I go. If I go early, I don't have to wait to use anything. And no skeezy old men trying to pick me up.
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    My alarm is set to play some of my favorite work out tunes. On mornings I feel like going back to bed I seriously strip and stare at myself in the mirror. Its motivating because I can see the difference working out has made for my body and I know I have to continue.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Early morning workouts are the best! I know I will get it done and give me a boost of energy for the day! Mornings are best!
  • fervc6064
    fervc6064 Posts: 77
    I am not a morning person. There are some ideas on this thread I will have to try.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,281 Member
    I am up at 4 and at the gym at 5 when it opens. It's the only time I can do it. I have 12 hr days and working out at night after I get home just isn't an option. Besides, I feel GREAT when I finish and it really sets up my day!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I love everything about the morning - it's quiet during my walk to the gym, I have free rein of the weights and cardio equipment, and I take great satisfaction in the fact that I get more done before 8am than a lot of people get done all day.

    I find that it really helps having absolutely everything ready the night before - that way, I can just roll out of bed, get dressed and leave without worrying about having to remember all my changes of clothes, etc. for my day. Preparation is definitely key.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I so need to get up early to work out... But I hit that snooze a bunch before I realize if I don't get up I'll be late for work.

    Wish I had motivation to get up super early to workout. ;)
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I use to loathe waking up before 7.45am for work now Im up and out the door by 6.45am!!! I have everything ready the night before all I have to do is brush my teeth and get dressed.

    It preps me for the day, more energy cause by the end of the day I have none and find lame excuses not to go to the gym

    I have the use of all the equipement cause its not busy YAY!

    Im also saving money on electricity cause im showering at the gym :)

    Im sleeping better
  • JerseyGirl081
    JerseyGirl081 Posts: 98 Member
    I dont think anything really inspires me to do it, I just LOVE working out in the morning and believe it or not I am not a morning person at all. :angry: But about 5 minutes into my workout I start feeling great, stress free and happy :happy: and that feeling lasts all day. Makes me feel energized and ready to face my day.