Early Birds - what inspires your morning workouts?



  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I set my alarm for 4 a.m. If I don't, I don't get to go because I have to be back before my husband leaves for work (can't leave the kids home alone!). I could maybe go later in the day if I checked out from work for a couple hours, but then the gym would be busier and I'd have to wait in line for the squat rack and benches, etc, and that's no good!!! By 6:00 a.m., the early birds start flocking and getting in my way, and that messes up my workout flow.

    That time is the best part of my whole day - it's the only time I have for myself, and I love it!! So even when I go to the gym on a Saturday, I get up by 6:00 to beat the crowd. Also - I love that it's done and I don't have to think about it anymore for the day!!!
  • Ewaldt
    Ewaldt Posts: 106 Member
    I like to be fully awake by the timey classes start, so I get up at 7, eat and get my backpack ready, then I workout and shower, and then head off :) I like working out in the mornings because then I know that I can't forget it or avoid it later, and it always makes me feel like a champ all day because I know that I started the day being successful :)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Not having to do it when I get home.

    I am not a morning person, but I am not an exercise person either. If I do it in the morning its done, its out of the way there is no excuses to be made when I get home from a long day at work. I can sit my *kitten* in my chair and watch my shows without worrying about having to get back up to exercise.

    Once you do it for a while you get used to it. This week has been different though, I came down witha wicked cold and I decided morning work outs just wont happen because I am groggy from the meds I took to sleep the night before.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Knowing that I don't have to workout after work. I wake up at 5am... so I am out of my house by 5:30 and running or doing Bikram by 6am. I also know that I will eat healthy if I workout first. On most days this gives me so much energy that I get in a 2nd workout, too!
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    Early mornings are the only time I have to myself. I get up at 7:00, knock out my daily squat challenge while the coffee is brewing, eat breakfast and then do 30 minutes of cardio while I catch up on one of the shows I'm behind on. Then I still have a few minutes before I have to wake my daughter up and get ready for work. I also work out in the evenings, but I like knowing that if I have a rough day, I still got a workout in, so I can relax later without feeling I'm slacking.
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    I'm at the gym by no later than 3:30. I like it because I have full access to everything and there are no disturbances, except for a couple of taxi drivers that go there after their shift. Man can they be noisy. I'm more comfortable this way and I push hard doing my weights then cardio. I enjoy it and I start my job at 6:30 so it keeps me pumped for the better part of the day. I do my errands right after work and then home. When I'm home I like to stay home. I love walking in the door knowing I'm done for the rest of the evening.
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I have always been an early riser and enjoy going to the gym early. There are not too many people there (usually the same ones).I get up at 4 am and am out the door at 4:15(after feeding my two cats).I work out for two hours with four of my friends.It makes the time go by quite fast. I am retired so the time element doesn't really play a part in it,except that the other three still work so they are on a schedule. I love knowing that i am doing something really good for myself,and i actually enjot doing it...:wink:
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    Like everyone else...Just knowing that it is over. It is also nice to see what I have already BURNED when preparing my meals for the day. If the workout is done i can add a few more calories to my meals. If I have not worked out, I do not get to eat that little bit more.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    I find that if I don't "get it over with" in the morning, I will make excuses and not go later in the day. It was really hard switching to morning workouts, but now I have SO much more energy all day. I'm loving it!

    This is me exactly. After teaching 27 6 year-olds all day, I'm exhausted. Then there's my dog that needs *his* exercise, errands, and a whole other slew of things to get in the way of exercising.

    Getting up at 5 to hit the box for CrossFit each morning took a while to get accustomed to, but it's what I need to do in order to get it DONE. =)
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Like everyone else, it is just settling knowing that I'm done for the day instead of fretting the whole day to get my daily workout done! I also feel like I workout better fasted so yeah! If I feel faint then I might eat before I workout! But my current workout is not that intense which makes it easier to accomplish! I'd say take it bit by bit, and you just have to start! It will get easier the more you do it :) I also feel like my eating is more in check since I wouldn't want to waste my calories burnt on too much junk!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm doing a lifting program and I'm training for a half. I can't fit both in at night so I wake up at 5am and lift and then run at 6pm.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    I only workout early on the days I have to work. I do 3 or 4 12-hour shifts that last from 7:00am-7:30 am. So I wake up around 4:45am to workout out of necessity. Plus, I know it's done for the day and I have more energy at work. Exercise wakes me up way better than coffee.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    It guarantees that I get it in. If I waited until after work, he might want to play TV or go out or get frisky, or a million other things that would distract me from getting my workout done.

  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I'm doing a lifting program and I'm training for a half. I can't fit both in at night so I wake up at 5am and lift and then run at 6pm.

    Im also in a lifting program and training for a half and a spartan within 10 days of each other. I also get up and lift at 530 when the gym opens.

    High five.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    Yep. Chances are about 95% that if I don't get my butt up at 5am (latest), and I don't work out in the morning; I won't do it later in the day.

    Like a lot of other people have said on here... I find that on days that I make sure to get up and do my exercises (I alternate between C25K with with my dogs, 3 mile walks with them, and Turbo Jam DVD's), which is usually about 4-5x a week, I feel a lot better on those days and I am more awake and alert... and then I make better (wiser, I should say) food choices during the day. Also, I drink a bunch of water when I take my vitamins right before bed - so "nature" forces me up at that time as a routine.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    It guarantees that I get it in. If I waited until after work, he might want to play TV or go out or get frisky, or a million other things that would distract me from getting my workout done.


  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    Just curious as to why said my 20 mins when I said 30 mins and why that wouldn't work for you?
  • Zdesh
    Zdesh Posts: 16 Member
    I like getting it done in the morning because I just never know how the day is going to go. After working all day there are a million things I'd rather be doing in the evenings. Also, it kind of sets the tone for the day. I'm usually at the gym around 5:30am. So once I get a really good workout under my belt, I hate to mess it up by eating crappy.

    Oh and another thing...if I muster up the energy in the evening, I can get in a 2 a day. That's especially nice in the summer when it's warm enough to go for a walk after work.
  • Zdesh
    Zdesh Posts: 16 Member
    [/quote] Also, I drink a bunch of water when I take my vitamins right before bed - so "nature" forces me up at that time as a routine.

    Never even crossed my mind to take my vitamins at night. I'll have to try that. I take them to work with me to try to take them at lunch and I seem to forget most of the time.
  • sethysgirl
    I use to hate mornings and it seems like now I have been losing weight, I wake up earlier...however, I am usually still really cranky and not nice in the mornings until I work out. I find I can concentrate better on my school work after working out and I have more energy for the day. It gets me going on the right track. If I don't work out, that is when I get in trouble with my crankiness.