Working Mom Needs Energy

Hi All,

I just joined I am looking to lose 30 lbs mostly baby weight. I do pretty well diet wise but getting exercise in just seems to be impossible for me. I work Mon - Thu 10 hour days then Fri-Sun I have my kids (5 and 2 yrs) so not a whole lot of time. I try and say ok I'll just get up at 4:30am and exercise before work but it never happens I feel exhausted. Any ideas?



  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    You need to just do it. You need to stop making excuses and you need to find the time. I have 6 kids I work two jobs and i'm doing it without a significant CAN be done, you just have to want it enough and you need to dedicate the time and the energy into making you healthier and happier, if you need to schedule it in like you would a dr.appt. then DO it. Only you can change things, but it needs to start with I CAN not i'm too tired, believe it or not, once you start on a healthy path, with exercise, you'll have much more energy..think about how that will help your kids, your job, you! :drinker:
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    You know you don't have to do all your exercise in one block, right?

    So find 3 x 10 minute blocks that you can do in a day and go from there!
  • krislew
    krislew Posts: 46 Member
    My daughter now has a half hour earlier bedtime so I can work out after I put her to bed. :glasses:
  • fergmelk
    fergmelk Posts: 5
    If you're not able to get up earlier, that doesn't mean you don't have time to work out. You don't HAVE to work out FIRST THING in the am... regardless of what the studies might say about what time of day is best to work out, the best time of day to work out is the time you can MAKE IT HAPPEN.

    I'm a single working mom. I average 50 hours a week at my job. I had to find ways to build exercise into my daily routine.

    I take a Vinyasa Yoga class at work. If your employer doesn't offer something like this -- and I realize most don't -- try and find a gym/Y or a class that you like close enough to work that you can squeeze it in on your lunch break. OR find a workout buddy at work and go for a run. Or go by yourself.

    I also incorporate my exercise into my commute. For some, this is not feasible, but for a lot more than probably realize it, it is. I bike 10.5 miles EACH WAY. That's about 45-50 min EACH WAY of moderate to hard cardio if you push yourself to keep pedaling and not just coast. I burn around 1600 calories A DAY that way. And my kid loves riding in the trailer behind me until I drop him off at school. AND I'm one less car on the road -- something nice for the planet AND my wallet to boot!!!!

    Then, sometimes on top of that -- or on my days off -- I'll go for a jog in the evening. Mine is not old enough to jog alongside me, so again, I put him in the jogger. But you'd be surprised at how far your younger kids can run! I do situps and pushups with him. He's only 3.5 and he can TOTALLY beat me at pushups, but I still have him beat at the situps. It's fun for him and it motivates me. He also likes participating when I do a yoga DVD at home. So unless you've got teeny, tiny infants, include them!!!! You'll find plenty of ways to get exercise. Use playground equipment as gym equipment. Run relays with the kids. You get my point. And you're doing them a favor by demonstrating healthy habits. That means way more to them than telling them what they should/shouldn't eat and that they should get out from in front of the screen and do something active.
  • BuffyKicksButt
    I think your right I do sound a bit like I'm making excuses. Just gotta suck it up and do it! I'll start tonight after work will go on a walk with the kids and maybe my hubby will come too!

    Thanks - I needed a kick in the butt!