Is fitbit worth it, if your phone is not 4S?

My phone is a iphone 4, so I know it won't sync. Is it still worth having, just syncing to my laptop?


  • yensidtoon
    yensidtoon Posts: 82 Member
    Fitbit will sync to your laptop. I have an iPhone 5 and it syncs to mine. And yes, even if it doesn't sync to your phone it is worth getting. The Fitbit itself will tell you how many steps you have walked.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    I also only have a 4 and still think it's worth it. I generally plan out my meals for the day, plus after using the Fitbit for a while I have an idea of how much I burn in a day, so I haven't had any unpleasant end-of-the-day surprises like getting home, syncing, and finding out I don't have enough calories to eat dinner.

    If you eat more on the fly, or your calories burned swing wildly from day to day, I suppose it could be more of a problem not to be able to sync constantly.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks for answering everyone!
  • tnsons
    tnsons Posts: 15 Member
    I only sync mine Monday thru Friday at work and to me it is totally worth it. I have never been so motivated before as I am now that I have the fitbit. I log everything on MFP not on fitbit and they work great together.