Isometric chest exercise

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
These can be performed anytime, anywhere .An example of an isometric chest exercise is a palm press. This is where you press your palms together (as if you’re praying), exerting as much force as possible. It is an incredibly effective way to build your chest and shoulder muscles. Once you get the hang of it, another variation of this workout is to extend your hands in front of you while still pushing together as hard as you can. This will further isolate your chest. These exercises should be done with as much force as you can muster for as long as you can. You will feel a burn, these work! I see you trying them right now :wink:


  • Crazy! The first time I did it, my "praying" hands were all wobbly. I LOVE exercises I can do anywhere because I have three extra long shifts a week at work and can do them to kill time during down time!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Crazy! The first time I did it, my "praying" hands were all wobbly. I LOVE exercises I can do anywhere because I have three extra long shifts a week at work and can do them to kill time during down time!

    Something so easy is so painful! the gym I add a 10lb plate and then do them..holy moly! :laugh:
  • That's awesome. Post more as you get them. I love that!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I tried it... wow!

    Keep 'em coming! :flowerforyou:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    OK, wow! Two likely dumb questions long to hold your hands together, and how many "reps" should be done. I love this! I work on the phone all day and can do these at my desk between calls. Do you have more??

    Cheers, jewel :flowerforyou:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    OK, wow! Two likely dumb questions long to hold your hands together, and how many "reps" should be done. I love this! I work on the phone all day and can do these at my desk between calls. Do you have more??

    Cheers, jewel :flowerforyou:

    You hold the position until you can no longer hold it. There is no real rep guide here, I tend to do them 3-4x's.

    Here's a few more to try. Remember, that if they become too easy, increase your time, I don't time myself, I do the exercise until I cannot do it anymore..straight to failure.

    Isometric push up:
    Get into the regular push-up position, with your arms fully extended, then lower yourself slowly to about the halfway position. Now hold this position for 20 seconds or to a count of 20. Always remember to breathe and don't hold your breath! Repeat 3x's

    Plank bridge:
    Assume again a push-up position, but this time place your elbows underneath your chest and rest your body on the floor. All of your body weight will be resting on your forearms. Push yourself up from this position with your weight still resting on your forearms. Hold for 20 seconds or to a count of 20 and repeat this exercise 3x's

    Isometric bicep exercise
    For this exercise you will need to be seated by your desk. (So you can easily perform this exercise while at work). Start with your hands underneath your desk with your palms up. Keep your elbows tight and tucked in against your sides. Now push upwards with your palms and hold for 20 seconds or a count of 20. You can repeat this exercise 3x's

    Wall squats:
    Stand in front of a wall (about 2 feet in front of it) and lean against it. Slide down until your knees are at about 90-degree angles and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 20-60 seconds. Come back to start and repeat, holding the squat at different angles to work the lower body in different ways. To add intensity, hold weights or squeeze a ball between the knees. (or even a water bottle..anything really it's the squeezing motion you want, not so much the weight to begin with)

    Calf Raises:
    Stand next to a wall on one foot and touch the wall lightly for balance, if necessary, but do not allow yourself to rest against the wall. Rise up onto your toes. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds. Switch feet and repeat the exercise for the other calf. Repeat the exercise on both calves3x's

    Shoulder Raises:
    Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Palms down (or with an elastic band or weight) raise your arm directly out to your side. Once your arm is parallel to the floor, hold it there until your arm begins to drop and your shoulder starts to rise. Slowly lower your arm back to your side. Rest. Repeat with each arm (alternating to improve posture) 3x's I FIND THAT IF YOU ADD WEIGHT TO THIS IT WORKS EVEN BETTER, anything from your thermos to a heavy stapler.

    Upper Abs:
    Start lying flat on the floor like you are doing crunches. Pull yourself up into a crunch and hold position for 30 seconds Slowly lie back down. Repeat 3x's

    Lower Abs:
    Start lying on your back. With your feet together, lift feet 6-8 inches off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Slowly lower feet back to floor. Repeat 3x's
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    So many wonderful things I had forgotten about. I used to have my kids doing a lot of these when I coached, but that was so long ago that they had slipped my mind. Thanks for jogging my memory!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I know what I'll be doing at work on Monday...
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    bumpety bump bump bump!!!!:bigsmile: :noway: :noway:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    big bump!!

    Are there any for the dreaded "royal wave" that I have on the underside of my upper arms? :embarassed:
    Cheers, jewel
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    I started this exercise yesterday. My chest is sore. Very cool.
  • Bump...
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    big bump!!

    Are there any for the dreaded "royal wave" that I have on the underside of my upper arms? :embarassed:
    Cheers, jewel

    Wall Push-Off:
    This will strengthen, chest, shoulders and triceps
    Stand about three feet from a wall, and place your hands flush against the wall, about shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your body toward the wall by flexing your elbows. When your elbows are aligned with your torso, push back up. Do 20 repetitions. Make this exercise more challenging by using your desk: Stand several feet away and position your hands on the edge of the desk, shoulder-width apart. Then repeat the raising and lowering of your body by flexing your elbows.

    The first one isn't really an isometric exercise but it'll work your tricep..the second is a static exercise for the tricep and fits the isometric standards.You can do this with two chairs, a coffee table and a chair..whatever you have that's relatively the same height.. Hold on to the edge of a chair and let your heels rest on the chair in front of you. Now lower your body while keeping your elbows stationary making your triceps work. From this fully extended position press upwards and get back to start point. Do 3 reps, then proceed to static holds, using the same technique, lower your body while keeping the elbows stationary and now hold it until you can no longer hold the position.

    Isometric Tricep Pull-Down With Towel:
    Put the towel around your neck with each end coming down and resting on your chest, like you just got done doing a heavy workout. Grab each end and pull down. Make sure your feet are planted in the ground, shoulder width apart, and your back is straight and butt is out; this is a good athletic position to brace yourself as you are trying to pull your neck and shoulders down.

    The Sampson Press With Door Frame:
    Stand in a door frame. Place your hands on the frame, right next to your shoulders and try to push out to the side, against the door frame. Imagine you are trying to push the walls apart and away from you .

    Here's another one...:wink::happy: to work other body parts, remember though use these exercises along with other workouts that you already do!

    Towel Overhead Pull:
    Grab each end of a towel with your hands. Bring the towel over your head, your arms extended straight out. Try to rip the towel apart in this position. Hold the position for a count of 20 or more if you can. This is a great upper body exercise; you'll feel it in your shoulders, lats, and abs, do 3x's
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