Been battling weight for so long!

Hiya everyone,

I've been struggling to be consistant with my diet for the past year...

I am 20 years, 65kg, and about 5ft 3". I workout 3 - 4 times a week doing strength training and cardio (mix it up), and for sooo long I just havent found it easy to lose anything.

The lowest I have managed to get to is 63kg in the past year and I plateau.. Its so discouraging, and I get really down about it.

I think the main thing is my diet, I usually just have chicken breast or protein shake for dinner after my workout... In the mornings ill have a meal replacement protein if I dont have any breakfast to have... And ill have sushi for lunch etc.

But SUGAR.. I find it soooo hard to cut out all sugar. I can go a day without it, but in the back of my mind I just want a soda or something.

I go through phases where I can eat healthy and thats all I want, but then (probably PMS) I go through phases where I just want to continuously eat.. and eat BAD. And I find im hungry all the time.

Not to mention im always tired, and crash around 3pm and thats when I reaaalllyy want that soda.
I have been suggested with hyperglycemia by a doctor before.

Please someone give me some tips or encouragement, im sick of fighting with myself all the time and getting absolutely nowhere :(