Aiming for 10% before the weather breaks - Going wheat free

Hi folks I'm new here. I am on a long journey back from ACL reconstruction. At my heaviest I was about 35 lbs off of my goal weight and that was the last straw. Once my doctor cleared me for exercise I got down to business.

The problem for me was that I'm a horrible snacker and would sabotage my weight loss every 3 weeks or so. I am currently experiencing the fastest, easiest, and hunger pain free weight loss ever. Eliminating wheat has all but eliminated my snack cravings. I no longer binge on cereals and breads. And because I replaced the bread with fruit, veggies, and sweet potatoes I am able to consume a much higher volume of food while still maintaining a 2 lb/week weight loss. The dietary change has been incredible too say the least.

By my calculations I will hit my goal of 10% body fat in 3-4 weeks. After bouncing up and down for the past 9 months to be so close to my goal just feels awesome. I've accomplished this by walking 3-3.5 miles 4 days/week and lifting heavy weights for an hour 3 days/week. My diet has been clean. No junkfood (I now consider bread to be the original processed/junkfood), no dairy, and no starchy grains, beans, or potatoes.

I hope this inspires someone. Writing it has inspired me to run across the finish line in full stride!