Vegan help

lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
My family has been making the gradual change to become vegan. Currently we are dairy free, meat (except for fish) free, gmo and soy free. It's so overwhelming!

We want to have a plant based diet and not replace meat with soy. We've been eating a ton of quinoa and have just recently ventured into the world of millet, amarenth, etc.

Anyway, I need help, advice, make this easier! Haha what do we need to look out for? I know whey and casin are some ingredients but what else?

Any favorite recipes? (Hopefully easy since I'm not much of a cook)

If you were going vegan today what advice would you wish someone experienced would give you?

Just help. Lol


  • Beautiful_Disaster108
    I am vegan lol I started by reading Skinny B*tch which has a whole list of ingrediants to look out for I think does to.
    Recipes check out :
    Advice: don't trust trader joes or any other brand or place read ALL ingrediants just because it says vegan or soy/diary free doesnt mean it actually is :/
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks so much!! I've noticed with being dairy free a lot of companies say dairy free even though they have whey... I don't understand that thinking but ok. Haha. I'll definitely be checking out that book :)
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    My fiance and I are doing a plant based diet right now to better our health and look great and feel great for our wedding. Lots of whole grains of course, such as quinoa. We've been eating a lot of legumes, black beans, lentils, garbanzo beans. We have found that whole corn kernels have been a staple in many different meals we make. So tasty! My fiance loves Indian food, so it's been easy making vegetable curries and the vegetable pakoras from Trader Joes have been immense. Falafels are also tasty "meats" for us.

    We keep our soy intake down as well, no soy meat alternatives in our diet so far. It's been a challenge here and there, but it's allowing the creative chefs inside of us to come out! Good luck on your vegan journey!

    Also FYI - Whey is actually not vegan!
  • sarahemily12345
    sarahemily12345 Posts: 1 Member
    Forks over Knives is a free documentary on Hulu

    Trader Joe's also lists the vegetarian and vegan products on their website:

    Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is a great cookbook for ideas (vegetarian but most things can be made vegan, plus he really details how to make falafel and bean patties which make great lunches on bread or on a salad)