I messed up.

These past 2 weeks I did not eat healthy at all. Chocolate, sweets, you name it……. These past few days it has been KINDER CHOCOLATE! AHHH so addicting!

My thigh gap is gone. They rub together when I walk. This has NEVER happened before. Freaked me out a bit. Went from 49 cm to 51 cm thighs.

From 104 pounds to 109 pounds.

This always happens. I gain weight, then try hard to lose it, then gain weight, then lose it. But my legs are one of my best features and it just sucks. I feel so down about myself right now.

I don’t know why I can’t watch my diet consistently. This is why I'm turning back to myfitnesspal. I hate logging calories, it doesn't make me feel good. I hate seeing the scale jump around so here I am again.

I am 5'2 1/2 btw if you really think 20 inch thighs are small.

I need some motivation, please. :(
It's weird because I started JM Killer Buns and Thighs this past week, did I gain cm from doing THAT??
I did Ballet Beautiful and it did nothing for my inner thighs which I need to keep working at consistently or else it will turn to cottage cheese. It really defined my hips though.


  • JackieHJ
    JackieHJ Posts: 9
    Well, the chocolate and sweets probably didn't help, but the idea of Killer Buns & Thighs is indeed muscle gain for leg definition.
    It's not a program to lose fat from the legs, since you can't spot-reduce like that, but if your leg muscles start to grow you wíll add on a little weight and your legs wíll become a little bigger.

    Try not to be too 'desperate' about losing weight. If you lose/gain/lose/gain like that, it's uhealthy. If you just try to incorporate healthier things in your entire life in the long run (versus short phases in which you try really, really hard to lose weight), it's easier to keep up and your weight will probably be more stable.
    I know from experience those short bursts of manic motivation burn you out really fast :P
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Get professional help.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    pics or it didn't happen! :happy:
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    20 inch thighs aren't massive, even for your height. Stop worrying, I'm sure you're just panicking!
  • My work sometimes takes us out to eat and they took us out this weekend. Even though I prepared for it ahead of time, I ended up 300 calories over my daily goal and had to hit the gym just to feel comfortable again.

    We all have those days, the key is to get back to doing what is healthy again when you are done. You can do it! Have faith in yourself and you will make yourself proud everyday. ^__^
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    If I had a thigh gap, I'd be overjoyed to lose it. :drinker:
  • Only things I can tell you is not to eat a ton of chocolate in one go, increase water, and give the workout time. Muscle burns more than fat at rest, and while you're building muscle up it will still take time to burn off fat. When I first started lifting I gained about 5 lbs the first month. Once I added in more cardio a ton of fat fell off and nothing but nice toned muscle was left.

    Thigh gaps do not occur just because of the number on the scale. The way your pelvis is shaped will determine a thigh gap. (unless you are severely underweight and basically a skeleton walking around)
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    It's very hard to stop fighting yourself. i still do it all the time. I gained a pound this week and I HATE IT. But I am trying to remind myself that weight is not everything in life and I am lifting weights so I am gaining muscle too. I am 5"11 with 20 inch thighs too
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I can't even imagine HAVING a thigh gap and my thighs aren't that much bigger than yours (20.5") and I'm 5'5" tall. They don't actually "rub" when I walk, but my hips aren't wide set enough to have an actual "gap" when I stand with my feet together... And I'm perfectly fine with that.

    Why do you hate logging food? To me it helps me stay accountable to myself, even when I'm having a bad food day.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Motivation is for people with no self-discipline and not enough desire.