Go to drink...other than water.



  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Black coffee.
  • kmtwedell
    kmtwedell Posts: 21 Member
    I'm highly allergic to the artificial sweetners.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Make your own flavoured water. Fill a pitcher with water. You van put in cubed pineapple, green apple, cucumber, lemon, ect.leave it over night. Pour it into 500ml water bottles through a sieve. Cucumber water is yummy!

    thank god someone else likes it haha everyone thinks i'm weird. love cucumber in water! also, mint.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :indifferent: sugar free ribena BUT..made with boiling(nearly)water!
    i hate cold drinks unless ive just worked out!
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Apple Juice and chocolate milk cause I dont give a motha f&*k!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Apple Juice and chocolate milk cause I dont give a motha f&*k!

    i love the cute kid friendly drinks with the expletives, shows you're well-rounded :p
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Apple Juice and chocolate milk cause I dont give a motha f&*k!

    i love the cute kid friendly drinks with the expletives, shows you're well-rounded :p

    That's me in a nutshell
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Make your own flavoured water. Fill a pitcher with water. You van put in cubed pineapple, green apple, cucumber, lemon, ect.leave it over night. Pour it into 500ml water bottles through a sieve. Cucumber water is yummy!

    thank god someone else likes it haha everyone thinks i'm weird. love cucumber in water! also, mint.

    Me too!!!
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    Why do white people does not like plain water that much? I've asked several people but most of them said it tastes awful.. I'm confused because water is supposed to be naturally tasteless.
  • kwagganin
    kwagganin Posts: 34
    Make your own flavoured water. Fill a pitcher with water. You van put in cubed pineapple, green apple, cucumber, lemon, ect.leave it over night. Pour it into 500ml water bottles through a sieve. Cucumber water is yummy!

    thank god someone else likes it haha everyone thinks i'm weird. love cucumber in water! also, mint.

    Me too!!!

    Lol, got the same from my husband!
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Why do white people does not like plain water that much? I've asked several people but most of them said it tastes awful.. I'm confused because water is supposed to be naturally tasteless.

    I've thought the same thing!!!! Maybe its because it does taste like nothing. Kind of like a plain piece of iceberg lettuce. Thank goodness for Italian dressing!
  • Herbal tea with a slice of lemon is my next best option. Can you not bring your own water to work? If you don't have a kettle, you could always make your own iced-tea with honey if you are allergic to sweeteners? Grated ginger with mint and soda is quiet nice if you feel like something fizzy. Mint or cucumber is actually quiet refreshing in water too, but obviously the flavour is very subtle.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    I love water, but sometimes I get bored. Seriously, cold water with a couple of ice cubes is my favorite. The bad water thing is icky! So sorry! We had icky water at one place I worked, and we all chipped in $3/month (like, 5 of us) for a water cooler (free from vendor) and refills. Shop around -- the water vendors will compete if you give them a chance to do so.

    I love Mio, but no artifical sweeteners for you.
    I adore making senkajabin -- medieval Arabian water additive -- sugar syrup, mint, rose. Looking for a good recipe... here: http://www.food.com/recipe/sekanjabin-126517. Apparently, the rose water (just a few drops) is my own variation.
    Green tea, hot or iced.
    Diet Mountain Dew (because I need to stay away from sugar) -- also not helpful for OP. Sry :(
    I brew chai and sweeten, chill, and pour over ice with some skim milk.

    okay, I'm boring, and not much help.
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Why do white people does not like plain water that much? I've asked several people but most of them said it tastes awful.. I'm confused because water is supposed to be naturally tasteless.

    Water is naturally tasteless, but depending on where you live and what the source of water is, it can pick up some weird tastes. My tap water where I live now tastes like chalk. The water in my hometown tastes like dirt. I hate water from my metal water bottle because I can taste the metal. And some plastic bottles have weird tastes, too, until you wash them and use them several times. I worked at a liquor store outside of town. There was no potable water there. I mean, the city (or county) actually deemed the water in that area to be unsafe for human consumption, and they weren't interested in fixing that anytime soon. I visited a town in FL where the water stunk. As in, I didn't even try to drink it because it smelled foul. I think they said it was because the source was a sulfur spring, and even "purified", they couldn't remove the smell.
  • terrimccrery
    terrimccrery Posts: 109 Member
    Don't forget the water that leaves hard deposits on your shower, sink, etc. Think of what's it's doing to your insides. We spend the money each month for bottled water. The kids drink it and now rarely have soda. I, however, am still addicted to my Diet Dr Pepper. But seriously, would your boss spring for bottled water?
  • kmtwedell
    kmtwedell Posts: 21 Member
    Why do white people does not like plain water that much? I've asked several people but most of them said it tastes awful.. I'm confused because water is supposed to be naturally tasteless.
    Its not that I don't like it. Its just get bored with drinking it and since I'm almost always working, I need something to drink that I can have on the go with me. The water at my work is not very good because we have bad plumbing and we're in the process of eventually remodelling the place.
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    add crystal light and/or mio energy liquid enhancer into your water.


    drink diet soda
  • Why do white people does not like plain water that much? I've asked several people but most of them said it tastes awful.. I'm confused because water is supposed to be naturally tasteless.
    Its not that I don't like it. Its just get bored with drinking it and since I'm almost always working, I need something to drink that I can have on the go with me. The water at my work is not very good because we have bad plumbing and we're in the process of eventually remodelling the place.
    I'm not white and i hate drinking water
  • i like orange juice
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    Bigelow Oolong tea, Tazo Passion tea or sugar free Kool-aid.