Struggling to eat enough

I have a major problem right now, I have next to no appetite.. I'm 5'5, 159.75lbs and I've got a goal weight of between 130 and 140lbs.. I looked up my BMR and TDEE and I should be eating 1500+ calories each day but right now I'm just not hungry at all and am really struggling to eat more than 800/900 calories. I've got quite a bad cold but I don't see why it should affect my appetite? Anybody have any ideas on what to do? As it's kind of worrying me now..


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    A cold WILL effect your appetite however you should try to hit your calories through juices/high calorie foods. You need to be eating a minimum of 1200 calories per day to lose weight or your body is just going to store up all the fats and hit starvation mode.
  • mrspilcher2
    How long have you been feeling like this? Sometimes during a cold you can lose your appetite, as long as you take some nutrition. Can you have high cal drink? or add extra cals to food you are already eating. Add nuts to cereal, butter your toast, and mayo to your sandwiches.. Just try and add extras for now whilst you are feeling unwell. Hope you feel better soonn x
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Drink plenty of orange juice - added calories, plus Vitamin c for your cold.
  • morgennn
    morgennn Posts: 169 Member
    I've been feeling like this for about a week now I'd say! I'm going to add butter and stuff that's high calorie when I do eat :) And the orange juice is a really good idea, I love orange juice! Thanks guys :)
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Colds definitely affect appetite. It's one of the ways I know when I'm starting to get better - suddenly my appetite returns.

    Honestly if it's a short term thing I wouldn't worry about it. Eat healthy foods and eat less calories if it's what your body wants. I think that's nature's way, you may well be burning a lot less calories than usual (moving less because you feel lousy etc).