advice needed (running)

mum212 Posts: 173 Member
i want to start running or jogging but i dont want to damage my knees doing so.
i used to run alot when i was in school and i came first in the 800mtrs which was a really big mile stone as i have never won a race before( it was last minute i covered for someone).
since i left school (10yrs ago) i stopped running and now i could only manage 5 mins without feeling faint how do i get the energy to start running and ofcourse i know i have to start off slow and work in to it.


  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Try the C25k app (Couch to 5k). It starts you out gradually, even tells you when to turn back, slow down to a walk or speed up for a jog. It is a really great app for your mobile/cell phone and great for beginners too. You can go at your own pace too - so if you go slowly, your knees will be ok. Pace will come in time.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    thanks i will check it out x
  • Emmaj47
    Emmaj47 Posts: 19 Member
    I tried lamppost running for a bit. So the idea is that you start at a lamppost and then run to the next one. Then walk to the next one, then run to the next, then walk and so on and so on. It was pretty good and gets you started until you can cut some of the walking out or even all of it. Good luck x
  • CalvinLosingIt
    CalvinLosingIt Posts: 88 Member
    The C25K program is great, but it is a continues half hour exercise, if you are feeling faint after 5 minutes you might struggle with this. The alternative is walking a comfortable time and increase your time by 10% each week and then around the 4 week mark start adding 10 minutes jogging and then increase this by 10 % each week till you feel you are ready to start running. This will help strengthen your bones for the impact of running.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    these comments are really great advice i will try these thanks guys x
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Couch to 5K is a great program for beginners! Im currently on Week 5 :)
    As for your knees, is there any fields near by? Running on grass is much better for knees and do you have knee supports? Not sure where you are but you can pick them up in places like Home Bargains and B&M without spending out, ebay and amazon might do them too. :)
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member

    I agree with everyone above. The c25k app is great. I started running a while ago when i was over 350 lbs. i couldn't run for 30 seconds without feeling like i was going to die. Trust me, that much weight on your knees doesn't feel great. But after that first or second run i was hooked. before i knew it i was running for 35 mins straight.

    I competed in a couple 5k's and even took 1st and 3rd place for men in my age range. i did it using the c25k app. its an amazing tool. If you find yourself struggling you can always restart or redo a week. I actually slacked off during the holidays and then hurt my foot on my first run after the holidays thats sidelined me for almost 2 months. I started running again on sunday and again last night. I just simply reset the app and started all over on week 1 day 1.

    If you find that the intervals are too strong to start, set your own pace. run 10 walk 30. or run 10 walk 60 (meaning run 10 seconds, walk 60 seconds.) everyone is different. i used the app and light poles. when running if i felt i couldn't make the time limits set in c25k, i started doing light poles and tried that week/day over again the next night. sure it tells you you can run a 5k in 9 weeks but if it takes you 12 weeks, thats still better than where you are today not being able to run any.

    my best advice is to lace up the shoes, and give it a go. no matter what the time limits you set for yourself. within a week or so you will be amazed that you can run further than you thought you could.

    Good luck and happy running.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    yeah i have fields pretty much ring by my house, and i will download the app and give it a go x thank you all so much x x
  • CalvinLosingIt
    CalvinLosingIt Posts: 88 Member
    yeah i have fields pretty much ring by my house, and i will download the app and give it a go x thank you all so much x x

    You don't have to get the app as it cost a few bucks, you can get the program on this site There you can read up on the program and even download podcast.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    there are free apps out there. I downloaded one free app that actually gave me two free downloads to amazon mp3's for using the app. i didn't like that app after using it so i bought another app that cost the same as the two free downloads. i figured i came out even.

    but there are free apps for it. i know some people just time themselves but i would find that extremely difficult sometimes and would rather just hear it in my ear as im running
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I'm fond of the Zombies Run and Zombies run 5k apps. I like how they make it into a game. I brutalized my knees by going from no running to 5 days a week running. I think the key would have been to go into it slowly. I only run 3 days a week now and do Insanity the other days.