Whats a healthy food or foods that you can NOT stand?



  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    most cooked vegetables save for potato/sweet potato.
    But ESPECIALLY cauliflower.

    I like raw veges, but cook em and they turn into a chore
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Peppers, nuts (of any kind), shellfish, pork (in any form), kiwi, sweet potatoes... everything else that others mentioned though, I pretty much love! Tomatoes! Brussell Sprouts! Yogurt! Milk! Celery! Green Beans! Bananas! All of it. Bring it on, I'll clean your plate. :smile:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Raw Tomatoes - any size for that matter.. its the textures.. erghh :sick:
    Canned Mushrooms - I was made to eat them while on a French Exchange... Never again!
    Brussle Sprouts - Yuk
    Fish that have not been filleted (with the eyes and body intact) :sad: Gross...
    Cauliflower cheese :sick:

    OLIVES..... Are my pet hate... :sick: :sick:

    Apart from that ill eat almost anything
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Most fruits with the exception of Apples and grapes. Although I can drink juices of most fruits. I think it is the textures that I do not like. I do not like any raw tomato although if it is in food (and does not look like a tomoato) then I can eat it.
    All sea food except tuna and prawns.
  • EternalLife
    EternalLife Posts: 31 Member
    Celery! I've been vegetarian for 14 years and I think I would honestly rather eat a burger. Celery literally makes me gag.

    I think I like everything else. Oh, except tinned mandarins. Yuck.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    one more BIG food group... SEAFOOD.. i have tried and tried and tried and tried and tried ( get the point ? lol ) but I can not seem to get a taste for it.. which sucks because lobster, crab and shrimp look soooo good! I don't eat fish either.. I wish I did.. but I can't .. I've tried the " lighter " fish that are supposed to not have a fishy taste like tilapia and I still don't like it... Makes me kinda sad that I am missing out.. I have never wanted to like something so much :frown: but just couldn't....

    try halibut. that is the closest i have ever tasted like chicken :o i was shocked. im not a fish person myself... but im trying little by little and its working my way there. to like it. but if it is tooo fishy i will :explode: :sick:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    well i dont a like a lot of food according to my parents. mushrooms, celery(i dont mind it if i have hot sauce on it though), cooked carrots(to freaking sweet), bell pepper(because of baby pepper... :sick: but im forcing myself to eat it again, cause i used to like it before i had the baby pepper), certain fish, and certain seafood i dont like. cant think of the name right now... OOOH and i HATE PEAS, if someone gave it to me.. i would seriously throw it at them. and if i have TOOO MUCH yam i would feel sick to my stomach, and red potatoes the way my mom bake them... with the season.. dont like them. but i do like red potatoes
    for the most part i think i like a lot of other things. i think... i cant think of anymore that i dont like at the moment... tooo tired... to think now lol
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Cooked carrots :sick: . I love them raw, but once they're cooked....... yuck!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Bananas! Freaking gross me out to no end. I can't be near them. The smell makes me want to vomit...

    Wed 04/14/10 09:16 PMBrussel sprouts and collard greens. Just not my cup of tea. Bananas are okay, but I loathe the film that it leaves on your teeth.

    and now that i know there is a film on your teeth from them....??? I think im gonna have nightmares:sad:
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Beets and cauliflower. My mom has canned her own beets since forever ago, and I used to help her. The gross purply-red color would stay on my hands for DAYS and totally turned me off beets.

    I do like most of the other healthy foods that people have said they can't stand, like seafood and mushrooms and bananas....Don't like tomatoes much (like on a sandwich), but I will eat cherry tomatoes straight off the plant all day long. And I don't like ketchup either. :)
  • Breathe_Glamour
    I love fruits and vegetables, but I refuse to eat peas or cooked carrots. I used to feel so silly, but knowing there is a world of people who don't like veggies makes me feel much better LOL.
  • healthycat31
    Figs, dates, prunes, & too many raisins - Yuck :)
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    My name is Jill and I love bananas. Sorry to blow your theory!

    My name is also jill and i too LOVE bananas!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yiou guys are making me hungry! I love all that stuff! Except maybe celery which I can tolerate but it would be the last thing I would pick off of a veggie tray.

    i have found that my tastes have changed as I have gotten older and stuff I use to dislike (olives, peppers, onions, etc) I know love.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Allergic to mushrooms... so they're out.
    Raw Bell Peppers - tastes like I'm gnawing on a fork.
    Canned Spinach - But I LOOOOOVVVEEEE Fresh Spinach
    Sweet Potatos - potatos are NOT supposed to be sweet! LOL!
    Shellfish - I like fish... but I don't like lobster, shrimp, clams, etc... gag.

    Most of the other "commonly hated" stuff I like - brussel sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, etc.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Used to think I didn't like brussel sprouts, til I tried them roasted in the oven with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.

    Used to hate mushrooms but now I am quite happy to have some in my foods like in sauces or casseroles.

    Used to hate squash but now I love all forms of it.

    Used to hate asparagus but now I love it, lightly oiled and roasted; or freshly steamed with a light Greek seasoning sprinkled over it.

    Used to avoid raw tomatoes but I realized it's usually mass-produced store-bought tomatoes that I don't like. Homegrown tomatoes have such a better flavor to me.

    My husband, when I met him, was averse to even more foods when we met (including seafood) but now he will eat just about anything I do. Except the brussel sprouts and mushrooms. ;-)
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I can't stand Mushrooms, bananas and canned fish....everybody keeps saying that canned tuna is great, still don't like it. I love the flavour banana but I hate actual bananas. It's weird because my favourite flavour of Popsicle is banana:laugh:
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Cottage Cheese. I have never tried it but just the look of it and the texture...I dont think I could get it down. EWWWWW!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Cooked carrots :sick: . I love them raw, but once they're cooked....... yuck!

    I agree!

    Also hate...

    Oranges and OJ - and even things (drinks) that I can TASTE OJ in... bad childhood memories, I was a sickly child
    Cooked Cabbage (although I like Kraut LOL)
    Raw bell peppers - gives me heartburn to no end :sick:
    Used to hate Broccoli and Cauliflower until I tried each of them roasted in the oven, now that's the ONLY way I will eat either.
  • redbedhead
    I can't stand Pears! It is the texture, I don't like that gritty feel.

    i also do not like any berries with small seeds. I take a medication for my arthritis that causes mouth sores, and those stupid seeds get in them and make them hurt even more!

    I can't stand regular yogurt, but I LOVE greek yogurt.