Q for the ladies - foot callouses and pedicures

spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
Ok, this is sad to say but I am new to foot callouses.

My feet are scarred, asymmetrical and full of pins and screws from surgeries, and for many years I was not walking for exercise because I couldn't--not just because of the feet but low back and hip issues. I also rarely go without shoes because they need a lot of protection and support. And as a result, for years and years my feet were soft as a baby's butt all over, with little effort on my part. Massage therapists would often comment on how nice it was to not have to hammer through horny old rhinoceros cloppers like some of their clients.

Well, now I'm walking 50+ miles a month, and I've got callouses on my feet, some on the side of the heel. They're not crazy, but I notice that my naked feet and heels don't look as soft and nice as they used to, which worries me for sandals. I started walking in August, so sandal season was just about over by the time I accumulated any callouses. But the season for sandals is returning, and I'm wondering what to do about this. Callouses obviously serve a function, but I see women in nail salons getting their feet shaved down with those creepy egg things at the pedicure stations. What happens after you let them buzz off your callouses, though? Do you start getting blisters, or do they just gradually start re-callousing?

Because my feet are not my best feature, I don't generally paint the nails or otherwise draw special attention to them, I just groom and smooth the nails and cuticles and occasionally add clear polish. I would of course like them to look un-scary if people do notice them. I've started getting more aggressive with emollients but that doesn't seem to be aiding the appearance.

Thanks for helping a not-very-girly girl out.