What are some good foods to eat on a daily basis?



  • Jsnuggles
    Jsnuggles Posts: 33
    bump-great topic and answers!

    I am trying to keep most of what everyone said above on hand. One thing I have found I love when I don't eat oatmeal is Great Grains Protein Plus oats and nuts cereal with a tablespoon of flaxseed and skim milk. It really fills me up and keeps me going for a long time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    Definitely depends on what you like. Try and buy what you like so it can become a lifestyle. Experiment with different flavors. Try to avoid processed foods, fried foods, many "low fat' foods are high in sugar Some suggestions:
    boneless skinless chicken breast, rotisserie chicken is great when you don't feel like cooking; fish-salmon, tilapia
    Veggies: spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, romaine lettuce
    Good fats: Nuts, avocado
    Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, Almond milk, skim milk, reduced fat cheese
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I try to eat 30g of protein per meal... it just works to keep me from snacking on sweets. My diet is in a gradual evolution. Right now, I'm working on my macros and calories. Once I get those under control, I'd like to cut back on "processed" foods, but for now, I feel like what I'm eating is better than my diet was in the past, and that's a step in the right direction.

    So, my current staples are:

    Frozen veggies, I buy the family sized bags b/c I eat a TON of these
    Fresh spinach
    Apples, clementines and bananas
    Canned tuna
    Boneless-skinless chicken breasts and thighs
    Premier protein shakes (CostCo) for when I have no time.
    Hard boiled eggs.
    Jennie-o low sodium turkey lunch meat (from the deli counter).
    Brown rice
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Sounds Delicious
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    The fruit and veg question... More veg than fruit? Equal amounts? (daily)

    What do you all suggest?

    My general rule of thumb is to eat 2 to 3 servings of vegetables for every serving of fruit. I don't always reach that but cutting out sugar and wheat (and limiting other grains) helps. I don't eat fruit and grain at the same meal but I generally don't eat grain (rye or oats) at lunch or dinner so it's all good. Dairy makes vegetables a lot more palatable (I use organic butter or organic raw milk cheeses). I use table cream (18%) and cheese to make a simple cheese sauce that I put on lunchtime vegetables. I use lemon juice on vegetables like cooked spinach--the acid from the lemon helps to absorb the mineral richness of the spinach. :smile:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Stuff I always have in the house: eggs, a variety of meats/fish, BACON, canned tuna, avocados, sweet potatoes, butter, olive oils, coconut oil, an assortment of fresh and frozen veggies, also fresh and frozen berries, coffee, tea, dark chocolate, whey protein.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    The fruit and veg question... More veg than fruit? Equal amounts? (daily)

    What do you all suggest?

    I personally eat many more servings of veggies than fruit. I have issues with blood sugar/insulin, though. If I didn't, I wouldn't concern myself with it too much. I'd eat fruit when I wanted, which would be a whole lot more often than I do now. :smile:
  • Bizzeemamanj
    I always try to have 1 veggie and 1 fruit with every meal. I don't always succeed, but I try! I also like to have a couple of good protein sources each day - usually eggs for breakfast and a lean meat with dinner and/or lunch. I also eat lots of greek yogurt, mixed with granola, fruit and honey. I also add ground flax seed to the mix. I've also been eating a ton more fish than I used to because I'm so tired of chicken.
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    I went grocery shopping last night with the thought in my head: what's nutritious that I'll actually look forward to eating?

    my personal preference convenience items are: WATER, apples, peppers, almonds, canned tuna, hard boiled eggs, if I'm in a pinch at work and wind up desk-bound (where I can't exactly EAT anyway in my office!) I have this on hand: http://www.bolthouse.com/product/greengoodness (I guess that's a "when I'm stuck" meal replacement drink for me).

    & the stuff that requires more effort & is worth it every time: fresh fish, chicken, pork tenderloin, cooking with beans (chick peas, black beans & lentils primarily), quinoa, grilled zuchini & baked root vegetables (in a little olive oil with fresh herbs)
    = YUM!
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    This is a typical shopping list for me.

    From the perimeter of the store:

    Colorful veggies for salad: (mushrooms, carrots, radishes,cucumbers, red onions, tomatoes, mixed greens or spinach) We eat this daily

    I limit fruit, but do eat it:

    Lean ham
    Low sodium turkey
    reduced fat cheese
    laughing cow

    Sara Lee Delightul 100% whole wheat bread
    LaTortilla low carb 100% whole wheat tortillas

    Frozen veggies:
    mixed broccoli,carrots, cauliflower
    brussels sprouts
    green beans
    brown rice

    Fat Free milk
    greek yogurt
    egg beaters

    Meat and poultry:
    Extra lean ground turkey
    boneless skinless chicken breasts
    beef top sirloin
    beef extra lean ground

    From the middle of the store for convinience:
    black beans
    whole wheat pasta
    no sugar added applesauce
    a few specific soups
    ground mustard with horseradish
    a few select Newman's Own light dressings
    tomato sauce
    diced green chilies
    occasional jarred pasta sauce, look for lower sugar varieties. Important to read labels here.
    peanut butter

    Ghiradelli dark chocolate
    microwave popcorn, lowfat versions, single serve
    vitalicious vitatops
    fat free cool whip, not really good for you, but it can taste indulgent

    Not a complete list, but just off the top of my head. I have lost 41 pounds since September 2012, my son has lost 50, since October 2012.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    black berries. Lots of fiber and high water content to keep you satisfied for a bit. Raspberries too.
  • justjean
    justjean Posts: 55 Member
    tillapia (easy to put some lemon juice and pepper and bake 30min @ 350) Greek yogurt, black berries, granola, eggs, carrots, green beans, lettuce, canned tomatoes, black beans, almond flour, almond milk (trader joes test the best and has lower calories), quinoa, steelcut oats are great for breakfast (heat up some water and have 1/3 a cup in the mornings) you can check out my open diary if you want =)
  • CB6heart
    CB6heart Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks guys - about the fruit and veg question :)

    My absolute favorite snack is sliced cucumber with homemade guacamole - YUM-O. And very quick to prepare!
    I also keep a large container in the fridge filled with veggies already cut in bite size portions - broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, celery, cauliflower, and cabbage. I eat spinach in my salads and bake fish every chance I get!

    I have Fiber One protein bars and 90 calorie bars on hand if I'm in a rush.

    VERY GOOD Idea! I find it very easy to get tempted by quick (unhealtthy) snacks that I can just unwrap and eat! ...gonna keep chopped veggies from here on out!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I like to eat the same things every day. These include:
    -For breakfast:
    Eggs (salt, pepper and garlic salt, no cheese needed!)
    Baby Spinach (I'll either cook this down with mushrooms to put in my eggs or use as a salad base)
    -For lunch:
    Salad (spinach base with ham/tuna/chicken and crumbled broccoli, diced mushrooms, thawed frozen peas, shredded carrots and an olive oil mayo and mustard dressing)
    Meat (hamburger/ham/chicken/roast) mixed with frozen Veggies, sometimes Kroger brand which has an unflavored Stirfry Veggies with Rice
    -Dinner varies since I have 3 young kiddos and a husband, but I usually stick with a grilled/baked protein and large serving of veggies and maybe a spoonful of whatever starch (rice/stuffing/potatoes) that I fix the rest of the family
    Snacks: (try to stick with one fruit a day since they have about 20g carbs each but have as many veggies as I want)
    1/2 banana
    Baby carrots
    Sweet peppers
    Broccoli spears
    PBJ on a sandwich thin
    Sugar Free pudding made with Almond or Organic Soy Milk

    ETA: I am lactose intolerant so I try to stay away from dairy most of the time. Before I got really symptomatic, though, I would eat Greek Yogurt and Cottage cheese every day! Loved them (and their protein numbers!)