Feeling like I'm going backwards.

I have been so munchie since Saturday. Food is just tasting so good to me and I just want more and more of it. I just hit my six month mark long my fitness journey. I"m left wondering if I'm trying to self sabotage. I don't understand my mind set as of late. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? I don't want to go backwards.


  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Oh yes. It seems like every time I near my goal I think "Oh it's no big deal. I'll just eat this pizza and oreos. I'm nearly there, right?"

    So this time around, every time I get close to my goal I've moved it backwards, haha.

    I also got a bad round of the munchies with my monthly hormones, and so I decided that for one day, I would eat to maintain until they were gone. A few hundred calories doesn't sound like much, but it let me have the "bad" food I was craving and get the desire out of my system. And then I started 30DS, which I've never done before, and having my muscles so sore reminded me of why I'm doing this and got my mind back in the right place.Maybe you can try switching up your routine, or taking pictures of yourself to remember why you're trying to lose weight and become motivated all over again?
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Oh yes. It seems like every time I near my goal I think "Oh it's no big deal. I'll just eat this pizza and oreos. I'm nearly there, right?"

    So this time around, every time I get close to my goal I've moved it backwards, haha.

    I also got a bad round of the munchies with my monthly hormones, and so I decided that for one day, I would eat to maintain until they were gone. A few hundred calories doesn't sound like much, but it let me have the "bad" food I was craving and get the desire out of my system. And then I started 30DS, which I've never done before, and having my muscles so sore reminded me of why I'm doing this and got my mind back in the right place.Maybe you can try switching up your routine, or taking pictures of yourself to remember why you're trying to lose weight and become motivated all over again?

    I agree... Switch up your routine.. Or take a day and go over just a bit. Eat to maintain and move on. It's a mental block :) Good luck!
  • hghaywood
    Try tweaking what you are eating, sometimes for me volume is the problem. You can go a long way with popcorn if you want a salty, crunchy snack and fruits and veggies are always great. Also you may need more protein if you are exercising a lot. Sometimes it's less about the calories and more about quality of the calories if that makes sense.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    ...so I decided that for one day, I would eat to maintain until they were gone.

    I've had that problem that last couple days. Big weather swings here, fireplace is lit, and I want to have a snow day and munch. I literally thought about food all day yesterday. It was driving me nuts. So, I just did a maintenance day (probably a bit over). I am doing much better today. Spike days every couple weeks seem to help me stay on track, or a bit under goal the rest of the time with no problem.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    maybe you're body is craving carbs or something that its been slightly restricted on lately?

    thinkg big picture! it'll right itself! or you'll right it. :drinker:
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I've had that problem the last couple of months. I've gained and lost the same 10 lbs or so multiple times. Currently working on losing it again (hopefully for the last time this time). I keep having perfectly reasonable explanations (such as a friend's bachelor party), but it always seems to come up just as I get close. All I can say is stick with it and good luck.