Need Advice AGAIN!!



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Ok, so, LAST QUESTION, PROMISE!!! Can I eat those calories in all raw and vegan foods and with juicing?? That's good, right? I mean, just cuz it says I can eat 1800 calories, it shouldn't be in cakes and pies, right? I know that's GOT to be a stupid question, but I seriously don't know the answer to that.....(yes, I'm that stupid when it comes to eating healthy!!)

    eat anything you want so long as it fits in your daily macros.

    i'm serious about that. weight loss doesn't have to be hard. many people associate losing weight with forcing themselves to eat nothing but rabbit food. don't buy into that nonsense. you can lose weight eating pizza and pop tarts and potato chips and grapes and tuna and steak and ice cream and oranges and salads and whatever else you want to eat.

    forget the juicing nonsense unless you are doing it out of convenience. forget the veganism unless you are doing it for ethical reasons. ignore anybody who tells you what you MUST eat and what you MUST NOT eat.

    set your macros correctly. log your food accurately. make sure it fits your macros. you will lose weight and it will happen much more quickly and enjoyably than you thought it could.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Ok how do you calculate BMR - I dont understand and I am stuck so any help would work! Feedback welcomed

    your total daily energy requirements are a combination of these things:

    1) the amount of energy you need to live. this includes breathing, digestive functions, heating your body, etc.
    2) the amount of energy you expend doing normal every day activity, such as walking to the mailbox, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, etc.
    3) the amount of energy you expend doing extra exercise, such as jogging, running, playing a pickup game of basketball, playing tennis, etc.

    these activities are described as follows:

    1) BMR. you get this from one of several calculators using details about your body or you can have it medically tested.
    2) this is hard to calculate, so its estimated using the Harris-Benedict equation. basically, you determine your normal activity level (excludes exercise) and that gives you a multiplier to use on your BMR. if you are sedentary, it's 1.2. if you are lightly active, it's 1.375. etc.
    3) these are separate exercise calories.

    TDEE = BMR x Harrs-Benedict multiplier + exercise calories

    if you eat more than your BMR and less than your TDEE, you will lose weight and being in this range will give you the greatest probability of avoiding any sort of unexpected side effects. eating less than BMR will usually cause some side effects. eating more than TDEE will cause you to gain weight.

    0 < BMR < calorie goal < TDEE

    this relationship is what you want for your calorie goal. as you can see, to make sure your calorie goal is correct, you need to know your BMR and TDEE, but as i explained above these are not difficult to determine.

    there are some scenarios where being between BMR and TDEE can still cause side effects, so those "corner cases" need to be handled separately. for example, if you are morbidly obese, you can have a very deep calorie deficit from TDEE while still being above your BMR (and even your BMR x Harris-Benedict multiplier), but end up with muscle loss issues anyway. so every person must look at their situation in closer detail, but what i've described above is the most general case that applies to the largest majority of people and will help increase their odds of avoiding any side effects (fatigue, poor nutrition, metabolic slowdown, etc.)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Great advice in here. I think it's pretty cool that after two pages of responses, the SM phrase hasn't been used.