No weight loss!

For the past 5 weeks I''ve been really careful of watching what I eat and started going to the gym but so far no weight loss! I can't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Ok I only recently joined MyfitnessPal last week but have been logging what I've been eating every day and exercising.
But for the past 5 weeks I've been going to gym 3 times a week and each time my workout consists of 3km on treadmill, 4 / 5km on stationary bike, 2 / 3km on a arm cycle machine and then to finish my work out I go for 10min on a vibroplate. Going by the gym equipments calorie counters I burn around 700 calories.
According to MFP my calorie intake each day should be about 1300 calories, and I have'nt went over this.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? Should I be working out more often?

Current weight is 11st 5lb and I'm 5ft 6


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    For the past 5 weeks I''ve been really careful of watching what I eat and started going to the gym but so far no weight loss! I can't understand what I'm doing wrong.
    Ok I only recently joined MyfitnessPal last week but have been logging what I've been eating every day and exercising.
    But for the past 5 weeks I've been going to gym 3 times a week and each time my workout consists of 3km on treadmill, 4 / 5km on stationary bike, 2 / 3km on a arm cycle machine and then to finish my work out I go for 10min on a vibroplate. Going by the gym equipments calorie counters I burn around 700 calories.
    According to MFP my calorie intake each day should be about 1300 calories, and I have'nt went over this.
    Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? Should I be working out more often?

    Working out is awesome, but when it comes to losing weight it's main thing it gives you is excess calories and makes it easier for a deficit.

    The key is, are you really logging everything you eat, are you getting enough water. Are you logging it correctly (sizes, oz, portions, and etc.)

    Are you eating your exercise calories back?

    Also you didn't give your specs, height, weight, and etc. Activity level before this.

    Your diary is closed so we can't view your food log.
  • slfin
    slfin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm hoping that I'm logging all my food intake correctly, everything I eat is being logged but sometimes have guessed at the weight / portion size as I'm still getting familar with this site.
    Absolute no activity level before I started going to the gym few weeks ago.
  • shawya23
    shawya23 Posts: 1
    You should buy measuring cups, and a food scale .. takes away any guess work :wink:
  • Also are you taking any type of supplements even a muilt viatmin can help boost your metab .
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I looked at your food diary and you are eating way under your calories per day...especially since you're working out. Maybe try eating more often and try to stick closer to your allotted calories so you're body doesn't go into starvation mode and try to hold on by dropping your metabolism. And I'd think you're hungry quite often. Good luck and hang in there...eventually weight will drop. Plus have you noticed your clothes fitting differently? Sometimes that's a better indication than the scales.
  • slfin
    slfin Posts: 5 Member
    I had noticed that I was under my calorie intake each day but honestly I have'nt been feeling hungry.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    You have not been eating the 700 you exercise off back? Then that's your answer.
  • slfin
    slfin Posts: 5 Member
    I was following the rule of Eat Less, Exercise More
  • Silver82
    Silver82 Posts: 26 Member
    I had the same problem you're having and in the end it was all about not eating enough calories. Now on the days I work out I relax a bit and eat more healthy calories with each meal. Not only did I feel more energized during my work out but the weight loss resumed. Only stick to your 1,300 number on days you're not working out. Increase a few hundred on those days you put your body to the test.

    Try it! You might be surprised!
  • slfin
    slfin Posts: 5 Member
    I can def eat more