


  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    PLEASE NO JUDGEMENT I know there are others out there like me!!!

    I need different alternatives to diet dr. pepper!! I only drink 1or 2 a day maybe 4 over the weekends. Otherwise its water. What other kind of carbonated beverage can I drink if I can't stand regular sugary drinks?

    Others that have an irrational fear of aspartame?

    I guess I mean that there are others who drink diet sodas I didn't mean the irrational fear of aspertame.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    What about seltzer? If you can find Polar seltzer in stores, try any flavor other than lime. My absolute favorite is pomegranate. I try to drink 1 cup of green tea and then water the rest of the day but sometimes if I get really sick of just drinking water, I pick up's zero calories and the Polar one is just water and natural flavors. Orange vanilla is also a good one.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    any fake sugar is not good for you- well I will expand that to anyfoods or liquids that have been twisted into something they are not by man is not good for you....but I have read also that says anything with carbonation is not good for you either??idk
    but I would suggest just water with lemon, cucumber or lime....strawberries etc :)

    Water!? Water has hydrogen, which is a chemical and flammable. therefore it should be avoided

    O good God man really?!?! lmbo you always have something good to say- such an icon!

    How is it any different from your fear mongering? at least mine is factually correct
  • Innerbeauty31
    Innerbeauty31 Posts: 38 Member
    Heyman09 - Honestly, the aspartame is probably worse on your body than the sugar. Seriously! I have learned this one the hard way. Once I dropped my favorite (Splenda) from my coffees every day, my body has quit rebelling. The Splenda was making me have an allergic reaction to almost any food I ate - now that I've quit the splenda and have been using sugar in my coffee in the morning, I can now eat food again without the allergic reaction (my lips would swell and stay chapped/irritated.)

    If you must, go back to the the regular soda - drop the diet like a bad habit.

    Cut back as much as you can, but keep track of them in your MFP. As long as you are not going over your allotted calorie intake - don't feel bad! Sugar is WAY better for you than those fake sweeteners!
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    Thanks for everyone's help...well those that did help....I found some great articles about it and I'm going to do what I need to for my body!!