Consistently going over my sugar allowance

KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
I find it difficult to stay under my allowed sugar for the day. Yesterday, for example, I had an apple (14 g) and an orange (9 g). That's already 23 grams of my allowed 30 grams per day. When I added in my broccoli and kidney beans that I ate (each 4 g), it already puts me at 31 g. And that's before adding in my red potatoes and grilled bell pepper and onion.

Today is even worse, and it's only 10 am. I stopped by McDonald's on the way to my first class for the oatmeal. I requested it without raisins (I can't have dried fruit) and unsweetened. They told me that their oatmeal comes prepackaged and is already sweetened, and I didn't have time for anything else, so I got it anyway. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting here drinking 2% milk. I'm already at 57 grams of sugar. Granted, this is not my typical breakfast, but even so, I usually go over my sugar allowance, even without eating added sugars and processed foods. Heck, even when significantly undereat my Calories, I still go over my sugar at least a little.

What are some tips on how to keep sugar intake in check?


  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    Don't worry too much about sugar thats naturally occurring in fruit and veggies. Focus more on added sugar.
  • traccie2
    traccie2 Posts: 28 Member
    I had the same problem. So I took out all the sugar and for a week I stayed out of the red. Then about midway into the next week I couldn't stand it anymore and splurged. I haven't lost weight in 2 weeks and I'm pretty well bummed. I'm going back to eating my fruits and my yogurt because truth be told, I was losing then and I'm not now.

    So I would have to agree, the good, clean stuff is not the problem. It's the sugar in other things you have to watch out for. Just monitor where it's coming from. And good luck.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    I don't even track sugar. The first couple of days on here I did notice I kept going over it, but could not figure out why because it's not like I drink soda or was eating tons of baked goods and candy. When I noticed that it was sugar from fruit that was the cause, I didn't sweat it anymore.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Honestly, I don't worry about it as I am not diabetic. The nutrients gained from the fruits (even the high sugar ones like bananas) far outweigh the worry of the sugar content, in my opinion.
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Honestly, I never thought it was a huge deal. I'm still losing weight. I just thought that there may be a more efficient way to go about it. Perhaps I'm a bit of a perfectionist.
  • slbree83
    slbree83 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem. Overall, fruit and veggie sugar is entirely different than processed sugar. I like what another person said-- focus on added sugar for the day. When it comes to losing weight. First, focus on calories, then fats and fat types, then protein/carbs, finally sugar (unless it is processed). I don't even look at sugar if from fruits and veggies.