BMR Calculation Question


I was if you all could help open my eyes and see what I feel like i'm missing here regarding BMR calculations. According to calculations, my BMR is 1588.4. When I use the Harris Benedict formula, it states maintenance calories would be 2462.02. Now, I have weighed the same weight, give or take a pound or two here and there, for the past 7-8 years. Some years I worked out busted my behind working out and eating right and other years I gave up and just sat, and I still never gained or lost. For the past two years, I've picked up working out on an every other day to daily basis and have really cleaned up my eating, but I would randomly track my calories for a few months to see how much I was really eating. During my years where I was not dieting. No matter what, i never went over 1,500-1,600 calories. Now that I am older and eating better and a lot more, I can't even get over 1,300 calories.

Now my question is, how is it that to maintain my weight I need 2462.02 calories? I can't imagining eating that much. And if I am working out plus eating healthy and less calories shouldn't I lose? I just see that as such a huge number for maintenance. Am I missing something? Also, if I'm eating under a 500 deficit, plus working out where is the weight loss? I mean I'm happy I have not gained at all, but I wonder why I still can't lose.

Any ideas?

Thank you,