going to visit the parents-need advice!

20carrots Posts: 279 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am FINALLY starting to see my ticker move in the right direction. I stick to 1200 net cals a day. Next week I am going to visit my parents out of state and this means restaurants, snacking and probably no exercise.

What can I do in advance to try to keep myself on track? I don't want to ruin all the good I've done.

BUT, if I say anything like "I'm trying to eat better" etc that will not work. Everyone will say I look great and it's only a few this/that, etc.

So I need strategies for eating/exercise and also for communicating my plan/goals effectively.



  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Are you driving? If so pack a cooler with healthy snacks, perhaps labeled for when you can have them. Take time to take a walk around, great exercise and hopefully a nice view :-) Main thing, remember to enjoy yourself and make decisions that are right for you...whether or not they ask why you chose a salad.

    The other thing I have done, is right before bed I will do some crunches or push-ups. Just so I can say I did something if exercise isn't possible.

    Have a great trip!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Go jogging in the mornings before everyone starts their day. Bring along a fitness ball that you can inflate there and resistance bands and workout in your bedroom. Bring snacks like luna bars, Kashi Bars and choose lean meats and steamed veggies for dinner when you go out. Don't tell your family you're trying to lose weight...tell them you've decided to live a healthier life style. It goes over better with my mom too and truly, that is what you are doing. Keep low fat cottage cheese in the house, if you indulge have a few bites and if you have a totally indulgent day, remember that you can start fresh the next day. Keep lots of fruit and veggies in the house also. You can do it!

  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    1st. Stick to your guns. If you say, no thanks, MEAN IT and do not go back on your word. Be strong, you are your own BEST allie. My parents tried the same thing when I was first losing weight.. and it was hard, but they learned to accept that I am changing my life.

    2nd. Go for a walk!! First thing in the morning, after lunch, with your mom or dad, after dinner with your ipod. Just get moving. Walking is the easiest form of exercise.. Ten minutes a few times a day really adds up!! And if you can add some lunges, stairs or squats in there somewhere, even better.

    3rd. Don't be afraid to pick up some fruits and veggies to have for snacks. I'm sure there is room in the fridge.

    4th. Be honest. I think that is about the best advice I can give you for handling "home visits" where things are out of your hands.. food, schedules, etc. Tell your parents, family and friends that you are trying to watch what you eat and that you cannot have "a bite of this or a little of that".. Its hard, but it's worth it.

    AND don't forget to have FUN!!!!! :]
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    This is all about willing power and making the best choices you can.
    If you know where you will be eating in advance try to look up the nutritional info online beforehand. Try to choose the healthier options on the menu and make substitutions where possible. As for exercise, maybe try to come up with some ways to incorporate exercise into the family time. For instance ask if anyone is up for going for a walk or have a friendly family sports game?
    As for explaining your goals to them perhaps try to highlight the other benefits such as increased energy, reduced stress, better immune system, etc...
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    First off, have a great visit! I would try to them before you arrive--you know, try to get one of them on board with your plan, and if you're staying for several days, tell them you need to go to the grocery store, and buy healthy stuff. Offer to cook some of the meals, and if you're going out, have a plan and stick to it. I always try to box up half my meal before I start, and I often share a dessert, or just say, "I'll just have a bite of yours" and don't order one for myself. As far as exercise, I made that non-negotiable. I'd get it in before people were up in the morning, or just announce that I was going out for a walk/jog. If you don't make it a priority, no one else will!
    The first time I went back to visit my family after telling them I was a vegetarian, they thought that meant that i would eat chicken...LOL!
    Hope your visit is great!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Just tell them and stand your ground! And depending on what they make, you can eat anything...just in small portions. And almost every restaurant you go to you can find a healthy alternative.

    Stay strong!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    In addition to all of the great recommendations about keeping fruit around for snacks, or taking walks, etc. I also recommend that you not deprive yourself. If everyone is eating brownies and you are eating celery sticks you are going to feel deprived, and are likely to go overboard. So *do* eat that brownie, but just one, and leave off the a la mode. If you're dying for mom's homemade mac n' cheese, have a smaller portion than you might have previously enjoyed. Also monitor yourself, use the MFP app on your iPhone, or log onto the net and track your calories, this will help keep things in perspective and let you make those decisions between a second serving of mac n' cheese and a brownie for dessert. Finally, enjoy your trip home!
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Oh yeah I'm the only vegetarian in the family too which sometimes complicates things (not that they don't like it, it's just hard sometimes to find ANYTHING veggie in a restaurant much less something HEALTHY and VEGGIE-->impossible sometimes!)

    I actually brought it up on the phone today and they said they're trying to live healthier too. We started to make a list of other things we're going to do to have fun/spend time together that isn't eating out (will be cheaper too!)

    I'm also going to see if my gym has reciprocal privileges with any nearby, ...that would definitely help!
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