Fat loss supplements/burners for women?



  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    lol Looks like you asked the wrong question. :laugh: Since you didn't come here to be flamed for something you probably (hopefully) already know, I'll tell you worked for me. I use Oxyelite Pro and it helps majorly with appetite suppressant and giving me energy to make it though the day. I'm still using a bottle of the old formula and it is VERY potent. I'm not sure how the new stuff is, but I would recommend starting off with only one a day and make sure you drink plenty of water and eat soon. If you are just looking for something to boost your energy for a workout, I would recommend a pre-workout. I've used several of them and my favorites are C4 and Jack3d from GNC. They give me that kick I need in the afternoon to make it to the gym and I feel like they help me perform better. I like the Oxyelite because it stops my cravings but the preworks are nice because they do the job and wear off faster.
  • rjesic
    rjesic Posts: 4
    Wow there was whole lot of fighting words to your post huh? Guess no one learned how to give advice like a nice person...(that was for all those writing rude responses to a perfectly normal question most woman who start excercise and diet programs have)

    I was exactly like you in wanting to know who had taken what and what had worked for different people, eventually went through about 20 different pills to find that none of them really worked to do anything but make me jittery and not sleep at night lol so gave up on them, upped my food intake, and made myself get off the couch in those lazy moments when my body wanted to start storing fats.

    Hope you find the answers your looking for, as no one is wrong at all, just rude.