NON-weight related successes

Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
edited September 20 in Success Stories
We all want to lose weight and get frusterated when the scale doesn't say what we want it to (I am by no means excluded from this)......but we all need to focus on the other successful measurements that we have acheived that are non-weight related.

2 months ago my resting heart rate was 86 and now it is 76!

2 months ago I could barely make it through a 2 mile walk and last night my friend and I did 5 miles!

2 months ago I was lifting 8lb dumbells over my head for the shoulder press and now I do 15lbs in each hand.

2 months ago I was lifting 12lb dumbells for the chest press and now I use 20's.

2 months ago I could only do level 2 on the eliptical and now I can get up to level 11.

2 months ago I could barely do 10 min on my ex bike and now 30 min is no problem.

What are some of your NON-weight related successes?


  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    You are so right! It's not all about the number on the scale. You should be SOOOO proud of your accomplishments.

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I started running on the treadmill at speed 5.0 in January and now 6.0 seems too slow... (which is considerably faster - even if it's only one whole level)... and 6 is actually close to 12mph!!

    My waist measurement is back in the 30s!!

    About a month ago, when I started Turbo Kick, I could barely kick or punch very hard without feeling like I'd fall over. Now I punch & kick as hard as I can and can go the whole class with tons of energy!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    The first time I did the P90X plyo workout, I puked and had an exercise-induced migraine for the rest of the day.

    Now? .... Ain't no thang!

    Well, it definitely is still a workout, but I don't feel like I am going to die afterward! I have also done several of the Insanity workouts and managed to not puke or pass out!
  • Kendra7107
    Kendra7107 Posts: 122
    I agree!! Sometimes I tend to focus on what I didn't get done or didn't accomplish instead of the good things.
    I like the fact that I'm not huffing and puffing like a hippo when I walk into work each day!! :bigsmile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    - I used to do level 1 or 2 on the elliptical 2 months ago. Now I start on Level 7 and it feels like there is hardly any resistance, so I bump it up to 8 or 9 after a 5 minute warmup

    - I used to be really out of breath after walking up the 2 flights of stairs to the floor I work on in my office building. Now I get to the top and don't feel winded at all.
  • Relaeh
    Relaeh Posts: 102 Member
    We all want to lose weight and get frusterated when the scale doesn't say what we want it to (I am by no means excluded from this)......but we all need to focus on the other successful measurements that we have acheived that are non-weight related.

    2 months ago my resting heart rate was 86 and now it is 76!

    2 months ago I could barely make it through a 2 mile walk and last night my friend and I did 5 miles!

    2 months ago I was lifting 8lb dumbells over my head for the shoulder press and now I do 15lbs in each hand.

    2 months ago I was lifting 12lb dumbells for the chest press and now I use 20's.

    2 months ago I could only do level 2 on the eliptical and now I can get up to level 11.

    2 months ago I could barely do 10 min on my ex bike and now 30 min is no problem.

    What are some of your NON-weight related successes?

    That's awesome, Diane! Good for you! Keep it going ;)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    The first time I tried C25K week one, I failed miserably, and yesterday I did the week 2 program perfectly and felt so good I walked for another half hour after the running was over!!!

    Oh, and,...I haven't smoked for 33 days, and I DON'T WANT ONE!!!!!! That's the best part...NO CRAVINGS! It was easier than I thought! Thanks to this site and the wonderful people here....
  • danerider
    danerider Posts: 11 Member
    Along with losing weight and getting in shape, I quit smoking. (13 years) I quit a year ago but I started exercising and trying to lose wight a little over a month ago. When I started running a month ago I could barely run 1/4 mile without feeling crushing pain in my lungs, a month later, running a 1/2 mile straight is no problem, only reason I have to stop is because my knees hurt (need to run on a soft track I guess!)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    This weekend I was able to comfortably wear some jeans I haven't been able to fit into in 3 years! It felt great!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This weekend I was able to comfortably wear some jeans I haven't been able to fit into in 3 years! It felt great!

    WOO HOO!!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm pretty happy that I can deadlift my bodyweight.

    I finally ran a mile under 12 minutes recently.

    I was able to do a pushup for the first time ever just in the last week.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    When I get out of bed I don't feel like crawling in a hole anymore

    2 months ago I never would have been able to mt bike with my bf for an hour and a half

    2 months ago I never would have wanted to...
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    When I get out of bed I don't feel like crawling in a hole anymore

    2 months ago I never would have been able to mt bike with my bf for an hour and a half

    2 months ago I never would have wanted to...

    That's awesome! love seeing my fellow ladies get into mt biking.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    When I get out of bed I don't feel like crawling in a hole anymore

    2 months ago I never would have been able to mt bike with my bf for an hour and a half

    2 months ago I never would have wanted to...

    That's awesome! love seeing my fellow ladies get into mt biking.

    Ya, I'm really enjoying it :) My boyfriend just bought me a new bike this passed weekend and I'm still just so excited about it. It makes burning calories fun for me too, because right now I know I'm going to get home and ride my bike..not because I'm obligated but because it's what I want to do :)
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    These kind of successes are part of what has kept me going through the first month of trying to lose weight. It took about 4-5 weeks before I saw any weight drop, but the success came well before that, like:

    -Quitting soda (One day I had half, then it got to where I wanted less and less of each can).
    -Upping my running distance. A month ago it was a struggle to run half a mile, now I can run 2 miles. Still gotta increase my speed, but I can stick it out!
    -Motivating my husband to start working on his health too! He sees how dedicated I am and has recently started improving his diet. And we go running together :)
    -I can almost get my arms to 90 degrees trying to do a chin up, when I started I could barely move! Still working on that full chin up.

    Weight is just a number, the other successes make the weight loss that much sweeter. :D
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    -I can almost get my arms to 90 degrees trying to do a chin up, when I started I could barely move! Still working on that full chin up.

    Woot! I don't think I am at 90 degrees yet, but one day I WILL do a full chin up!
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