Barre-Lieou and exercising?

Hi all, I come seeking some advise. I hope someone can help me out.

A while ago I was diagnosed with Barre-Lieu (for those that have no idea what it is: ) The thing is, I was (and still am from time to time) very dizzy and basically still can't lift my arms or look up or do anything that will bother my shoulders and neck area or put stress to it.

It sucks, because I had started some strength training in my gym routine. (Gym that I had to quit)

Now I want to get back on the horse, because I was doing well and losing weight, but I don't know what type of exercises I can do that won't affect my neck and shoulders.

Can someone with barré-lieou go for a run?
What other type of exercises, besides walking, can I do to maintain at the very least a minimal level of fitness while I recover a bit more?

I'll appreciate any suggestions, 'cause I'm feeling very lost (and very down after all my effort).