I don't have to be that person.

I've been struggling for a while, to exercise more and eat fewer calories. (I joke with my sister, "Hey! I should write a book about weight-loss secrets!")

My latest epiphany is about who I am, and who I can be.

I used to be a person who, when there were doughnuts in the break room, always took one. Or Toblerone (we have lots of folks who go on international business trips). Or other sweets/breads/etc.

But now? I say to myself, "I don't have to be that person, the one who always grabs a doughnut, who always takes a piece of Toblerone."

And at home, I say, "I don't have to be that person who makes dinner and leaves out the veggies because she's too tired. I don't have to be that person who always has dessert. I don't have to be that person who thinks about drinking water, but doesn't."

It's been working well. Turns out I don't have to be that person who exercises once a day, either. I'm trying out a new gym and did my first spin class yesterday morning (it was good but SO hard). I wanted to try a Zumba class, so I went to it at night. Why not? I don't have to be the person who exercises, marks it off, and is done exercising.

You don't have to be that person, either.

What person don't you have to be, today?


  • JaimieAG
    JaimieAG Posts: 48
    Proud of you.

    I don't have to be that person who has 8 different sets of clothing in my closet in various sizes just incase I "blow up" again. I think it's okay now to get rid of everything that doesn't fit. Jeans from the 90s. Big hoodies. All of it. Time to let go of that girl. It's been over 10yrs.

    Always good to get past those mental blocks.