Runners- ? TM vs. road

If running on a treadmill is "easier" (less resistance, different mechanics, etc) then why do I consistently pace better on my outdoor runs than indoors, with the same perceived exertion? Anybody else notice this? My typical pace outdoors is currently about 12:00; on the treadmill about 13:30. (I'm about 6 months pregnant so all my "runs" have to be slow and easy, with walk breaks.) I'm guessing it is a mental thing, but what do you think?


  • Running indoors at the same heart rate feels much harder to me. I hate it
  • bracertj
    bracertj Posts: 13 Member
    I'm no expert, but I wouldn't consider a t'mill easier, but as you stated it is different. It's a different foot strike and gate, which in turn recruits different muscles than a standard road running stride. I find myself getting more tired, faster on the t'mill, I attribute it to the less natural stride and different foot strike, (not to mention the boredom).
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    i train on a treadmill too because i have a 3 year old asleep when i have time to run, can't exactly take off into the great outdoors. yep supposedly the motion of the treadmill does some of the work for you so it's "less work." i read something yesterday that said if you are training on a treadmill you need to double the distance of what you're training for, so if you're training for a 5K, you need to run 6 miles on the treadmill to get the same distance. GULP! personally i love my treadmill, i'm a very shy person and hate people looking at me (LOL!) but i do go out and do 5K's with my BFF. when i'm at home though, treadmill! :bigsmile:
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I run a 9 min mile on the road easy peasy--- then my TM runs are closer to 10 min miles, and I'm exerting the same.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    The motherly instinct in me wants to ask how you are running being 6 months pregnant but keeping on topic it's different because you are running differently outdoors than you would on the treadmill.

    Ever come off a treadmill and feel like you are still on it? It's like that.. outdoors, you don't get that.
  • MrsDrake678
    MrsDrake678 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm backwards. I was doing the couch to 5 k on my treadmill and was all over it! I got all full of myself and challenged my hubby to a run around our super long blocks and damn near died. I'm no longer a fan of my treadmill. It gave me a false sense of accomplishment. Now I'm going to do the couch to 5 k only outside because I signed up for my first 5k that is happening in August and I want to make sure I can actually RUN it lol
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I've read that your stride on the treadmill is often shorter than your stride outdoors and that accounts for the drop in pace with the same perceived exertion.

    I also hate running on the treadmill for the same reasons everyone else said. My pace sucks and it seems like it takes forever to run the distance I normally run outside.
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I am a terrible runner on a treadmill. It's harder on my knees (unless I'm at some sort of incline), my stride is a lot shorter, and it's incredibly boring. I definitely get more out of my runs when they're outdoors.

    Also, good for you for keeping up with your fitness through pregnancy!
  • I have to feel the gravel
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Running on a treadmill makes me feel hatred towards other human beings. Running outside is freedom man... freedom. AMURRICA.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    I've read that your stride on the treadmill is often shorter than your stride outdoors and that accounts for the drop in pace with the same perceived exertion.

    I also hate running on the treadmill for the same reasons everyone else said. My pace sucks and it seems like it takes forever to run the distance I normally run outside.
    This is what I was going to say and
    Running on a treadmill makes me feel hatred towards other human beings.
    This is how I feel when I run on a treadmill. Worst mood because I despise it so much!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Running on a treadmill makes me feel hatred towards other human beings. Running outside is freedom man... freedom. AMURRICA.

  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I've only done ONE outdoor run so far but was running much faster - I wonder if it's a mental block? I look down at the mph on the treadmill and think, I can't possibly go any faster and keep it up. Outside, I just ran and adjusted my speed as necessary without any clue til the end how fast I was running.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    During the winter treadmill running is harder because it's hot inside and there is no airflow. More heat stress equals a higher heartrate at the same speed.
  • Lostone31
    Lostone31 Posts: 57
    I personally despise treadmills. I would rather run outside in the cold rain... Wait I did that today... 20 degree weather. The not going anywhere thing makes me angry. It's a nice day out and you're on a treadmill... Well at least you are doing something.
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    No joke. I feel like a hamster on the treadmill. I can run 30 mins on the treadmill before boredom overpowers me. Watching TV while on TM is not of much help. I definitely enjoy running outdoors.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Wow, it's apparently a lot more common than I thought! Lots of good feedback, thanks!

    BTW... I have my midwife's OK to continue my routine with common sense modifications and as long as the pregnancy remains uncomplicated. :smile:
  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    They are totally different, but each serves a purpose for me. I like the obvious when outside-the view, the changing scenery, being able to run with my pooch etc. But I like the safety and zen of a treadmill-I don't have to be aware of everyone and thing around me (traffic, road hazzards,serial killers), so much of the time I just throw on the music and get lost in my thoughts. Often when I look down at the numbers I am surprised how much time and distance I've covered. :bigsmile:
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I find it much easier physically running outside to running on the treadmill and can't work out why anyone would suggest that you need to go twice as far on a treadmill to get the same benefit as running outdoors - that's mental! I struggle to clear 5k on a treadmill but can cheerfully (well, not cheerfully but without dying) run 10k on the road - I run faster outside too.

    The main benefit of the treadmill is that I can train when the children are home if I need to - I can't just run off and leave them but I can leap on the treadmill! The weather doesn't affect my schedule either that way - I HATE running in the rain with a passion. The other thing is that on the road, if I'm absolutely exhausted I will let my pace drop, as the treadmill is going at whatever pace it is set to I don't tend to change it and will battle through so in that way it pushes me much more - no slacking :-)
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Often, when you run on a treadmill, it's set at a pace and stays there. When you run outdoors, your pace varies according to the course. You will fly down a hill, slow down going up, and waver between a slow and fast pace on a flat. All of that will affect your overall pace and your finish time.

    I've done quite a bit of running on both. Sometimes other factors affect pace, like running late at night and wanting to get it done before the crazies come out, lol! That often makes for a very fast outdoor run for me. I love doing interval training on treadmills. They force you to hold a pace.