please don't think I'm dumb but......



  • dcuevas6235
    dcuevas6235 Posts: 135
    carbs, protein and fat are all macro nutrients that contain calories. Below is a breakout

    carb 1 gram = 4 calories
    protein 1 gram = 4 calories
    fats 1 gram = 9 calories.

    Being over on carbs may adversely affect you in the fact that protein and fats will be low. Protein and fats provide greater satiety. Also, protein is critical to maintain muscle mass which is necessary to supporting your body/frame, improving insulin resistance and immune system and so much more. This is where MFP is a bit low - it's based on the FDA standards which are low - and people on this board adjust macro's to increase protein and fats. Also, heavy carbs lead to more glycogen/water storage. So if you cut carbs to a moderate level, lets say 40% it's quite possible you will cut several lbs of water weight.

    Don't forget alcohol! 1g = 7 cal.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you notice that you're consistently going over on carbs, take a look at your food. Are you eating a lot of produce, or a lot of rice, bread, or potatoes? I'm not trying to say that starches are bad, but if you're concerned about your carb intake try to limit the pasta and such, if that is a routine part of your diet as of right now. If it's just things like produce I wouldn't worry about it. I was shocked to find out that pineapple, of all things, has a lot of carbs! But everything in moderation. I almost never go over on carbs, but because I eat things like yogurt and fruit and granola, it's usually the sugar and fat I go over on. Everyone's gonna have different dietary struggles based on what you like to eat.

    So long as you're under on your calories though, that's the important thing. Your macros will help you achieve certain specific goals, like reducing your body fat percentage, decreasing your risks for heart disease or diabetes, or build muscle, but as far as simple weight loss goes all that really matters is the calories.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Calories aren't particularly useful to track. To say 100 calories of white bread is equal to 100 calories of steak is completely wrong. Dietary carbohydrates drive insulin, which drives fat storage. In essence, all diets reduce carbohydrates when compared to the typical American diet. Even a "low fat" diet lowers carbohydrates more than fat and protein if the starting point is comprised of fast-food and sugary desserts. The more carbohydrates you cut, the faster you lose weight. Study after study has shown this to be true.

    This isn't good information. If we are talking about someone who will be at a consistent calorie deficit and does not have insulin issues, then you're recommendation isn't necessary. Yes, we all know that 100 calories of white bread is different than 100 calories of steak. However, the combination of steak with vegetables and a dinner roll isn't going to raise insulin as much as you would want people to believe anyway. Still, I go back to my first sentence. It doesn't matter when consistently at a calorie deficit and you comprise those calories with 80-90% nutritious foods.
  • gpinzone
    gpinzone Posts: 25 Member
    This isn't good information. If we are talking about someone who will be at a consistent calorie deficit and does not have insulin issues, then you're recommendation isn't necessary.

    If you're obese, you are most likely insulin resistant. Here's how to tell:

    Yes, not everyone trying to lose weight has metabolic syndrome. That doesn't mean carbohydrates aren't the most effective thing to cut to lose weight for them, too. Even bodybuilders!
    It doesn't matter when consistently at a calorie deficit and you comprise those calories with 80-90% nutritious foods.

    Unfortunately, the body of scientific research to date doesn't agree. Seriously, everyone should watch that video.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    This isn't good information. If we are talking about someone who will be at a consistent calorie deficit and does not have insulin issues, then you're recommendation isn't necessary.

    If you're obese, you are most likely insulin resistant. Here's how to tell:

    Yes, not everyone trying to lose weight has metabolic syndrome. That doesn't mean carbohydrates aren't the most effective thing to cut to lose weight for them, too.
    It doesn't matter when consistently at a calorie deficit and you comprise those calories with 80-90% nutritious foods.

    Unfortunately, the body of scientific research to date doesn't agree. Seriously, everyone should watch that video.

    I understand what you are saying, to a point. However, when a person begins to track calories and eat a moderate deficit, they will automatically end up cutting not only calories, but carbs, as well.

    As mentioned earlier, it is worth adjusting those macros even further from MFP defaults to increase protein for preservation of LBM and decrease carbs.

    So, again, by default, people will be cutting carbs simply by using this site to track calories. But, I don't think insulin levels are anything to worry about when eating at a deficit. Introducing that will only complicate the process and confuse some folks who are just starting out.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    My understanding is that you determine the total calorie content of a food based on the grams of carbs, fat, and protein it contains. Each of those 3 have a certain number of calories per gram (4, 9, and 4 respectively) and you need some of each for your body to function properly. (Though I've read some things that argue carbs are NOT necessary)

    It's almost impossible to eliminate carbohydrates completely. Carbohydrates aren't necessary because your liver converts fat/protein to glucose for the parts of the brain that need it. Your heart and kidneys work just fine (arguably better) on ketones.

    Do you have any evidence about your last statement? That's truly an interesting statement and I'd like to read more about it.