Calling all Binghamton/southern tierarea runners!

kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
Calling all runners!

I am a race coordinator for the John McKenna IV Memorial 5K Walk/Run, an annual event hosted by the Binghamton University crew club. We hold the race each year to honor a member of our team who was killed in his third tour of duty in Iraq.

Ive been on MFP for almost 2 years now, and I have had some great experiences with the people here. Now, I would love to see some MFP members come out to the race to celebrate John's memory and have a great morning of exercise!

If you're in the Binghamton/ PA/Ithaca area come down to the race! Registration is $15 for community members, and if you register before March 7th, a free T-shirt is included with your fee!

The race will be held next Saturday, March 16th in Binghamton, New York.

If you're interested, you can register at! If you have any questions or would like some more information about John McKenna or the race, feel free to message me!

Hope to see you on race day!