I have no idea how many calories you burn while jogging/ running. I normally use my tredmill, but it only says my distance in km's and time. I'll walk for about 5 minutes, then jog/run for about 20, then walk for another 5. I have no idea how many calories I'm burning... can anyone help? I caved and had two tacos for dinner. I want to run a little further than what I normally do. How far/fast should I go to make up for the unhealthy food I ate? Thanks!


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    its really going to depend on how much you weigh, how fit you are and how much effort you put into it. (and your age) your best best would be to maybe pick a pace of walking or running on MFP and put in your minutes. It will all be a quess anyway but it may get you close.
  • kslee4
    kslee4 Posts: 1
    There are a lot of factors that go into determining the calories. As for the 2 tacos, everyone is allowed a few slip-ups. It's only natural so, don't beat yourself up over it (I'm all for adding extra exercise time, but don't do it out of guilt). If we didn't have slip-ups we'd only crave those "bad for you foods" even more- which, in some cases, can lead to binge eating. If you eat healthy a majority of the time, you'll be fine.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    If you are just running, the rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile. But it doesn't work for walking so when you walk / run, it gets more complicated. Still, I'd just use 100 calories per mile and compare that to what MFP says and then either pick the lower of the two or something half way in between them.