Re: Insanity Training.



  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    I think I lost like 10-11 lbs. during Insanity. And I dropped two pants sizes. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. I wasn't eating like a pig.

    The Insanity Guide over estimates what you need to eat. IMO, it also assumes that you are somewhat in shape and that you want to maintain weight. If I had followed their numbers, I am pretty sure I would have not lost much weight. So adjust their numbers to yours and figure out what works for you.

    The workouts are short and demanding and to the point. My waist line has stayed at 30 inches just like when I was 20 years old. I am 32 now. So yeah, the program works. If you search results in google, you will see that it has helped people on all kinds of weights.

    Do not let the name intimidate you. You can do it. It all depends on how bad you want it. Btw, Shaun T is doing Insanity right now. He's got a "Birthday Challenge" going. Go to his Shaun T fan Page and you'll see. I've met him in person at a live "Insanity Workout." He's a nice guy actually.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I have finished month one and have a couple days left of the recovery week (Core Cardio & Balance).

    I lost 6 pounds. My start weight was 150 pounds.
    I measure only my waist, hips, and a thigh for progress- I've lost about 3 inches just on those measures.
    I've probably dropped a couple percent body fat- not sure.

    I should mention that I have never, on any other exercise or diet program, never averaged more than a pound a week- usually less than half a pound a week. And, I get to eat now- Yay!!

    As for my diet- don't really have one. The first month, just by randomness - I took a 5 day vacation with my kids. I did my Insanity every day, but we ate out every. day. I tried to make good choices, but with Mexican and Italian every night, I'm sure I ate a bit over my 'goal' calories.
    I also seemed to have a lot of 'social engagements' with eating out when I got back- more restaurant food and alcohol. I did not overindulge, but I did not pick at a salad either.

    I started trying to eat around 1200 calls- didn't lose. As time went on, I ate around 1600 calories per day on most days, and my weight started to move down (it's really true!). I did not track my macros- well I tracked them, but did not try too hard to 'meet' the goals. My idea was to use month one for getting the exercise down and clean up my diet in month two.

    I find that quite naturally, without trying, I crave and eat way less sugar and drink fewer alcoholic beverages now that the program is in full swing. I don' t want or need it.

    I used a protein shake every day, actually my own version of a recovery shake (not their Shakeology). I mixed one 8.25 oz container of Muscle Milk light and 2 scoops of Amazing Grass chocolate powder for vitamins and other nutrients.

    Using my heart rate monitor, I burn 250-300 cals for this recovery week. I burned about 300 cals for Plyo and Resistance and 400 cals for Pure Cardio.

    Other than this exercise, I have a lightly active job and don't get much other exertion during the day. Occasionally, I would ski or get some exercise running the snowblower - maybe one of those, once a week.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck! For me, this has been more effective than other things I have done or tried in the past. Don't be afraid to eat! This is the second time in my life that I've learned that you do sometimes need to eat more to lose more!
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    I have been doing Insanity for 2 months now.

    I do it 4 times a week, because I get injuries otherwise. I have a 1400cal limit and one cheat meal a week.

    To be honest I am very frustrated. Not lost a single pound or inch. Nothing. I don't know what to do anymore.

    My HRM says I burn 300-450 cals during the 45 minute workouts and between 400-600 on the Max workouts.

    BUT I feel a lot musclier, a lor fitter and stronger. I really do love it
  • iankuk
    iankuk Posts: 31 Member
    Hows Insanity been working for you since this time?

  • loper149
    Its great!
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on Week 7 - Day 4 of Insanity:

    Start weight 140.6 (January 13th)
    Current Weight 130.6 (February 27th)
    Lost 3 inches off waist, 2 inches of hips and 2 inches of each thigh.

    Get a heartrate monitor, but don't go overboard. I got a 150 dollar polar one from Running Room with the chest strap.

    In month 1 I was burning 300-400 cals per workout (I'm 5'0" though) and in month 2 I am burning 400-550 cals.

    I am following the 17 day diet, as my body for whatever reason refuses to lose weight without a low carb eating plan... I am getting checked out by the doctor next week to try and figure out why. For the first 3 weeks I didn't lose a single pound and maybe an inch off my waist. That's when I decided to switch to the 17 day eating regiment. Started dropping pounds & inches immediately. I do know of quite a few people though that do not end up losing weight at all, only inches.

    As for anyone overweight or not in shape wanting to do this program, please please please mind your knees! There's a lot of jumping and lunging and squatting... weird strange movements your body will have to strain to do... do not overextend any of your limbs. You do not want to injure yourself so that you can't workout at all!