New Bride and Maid of Honor

I am looking for a support group to help me get to the smallest weight I have been since I was much younger.
My best friends weddings are this year and mine is next year. I want to be the healthiest I have been.


  • mrfrodogetdown
    mrfrodogetdown Posts: 54 Member
    I have requested you as a friend as I am also getting married, probably next year, and want to be in awesome, slender shape for it!
  • cmego4it
    cmego4it Posts: 14
    Congratulations! That is terrefic and a good motivator : ) I decided that I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of my family and lead them by example.
  • lunarunner26
    lunarunner26 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you both!! Cmego4it - sometimes the things you do really go a far way with kids too. I was 200 lbs at 12, so I really do believe that anything we do - our kids learn too. It takes awhile to mold your mind away from the yummy stuff too :)
  • misemise
    misemise Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also using my wedding next year as my motivation. I want to lose about 20lbs - it's not a huge amount (well compared to some people's goals) but it's still proving very difficult! I really want to look AMAZING in my wedding dress next year. Have been going to the gym 3 - 4 times/week for the last few weeks but the scales aren't budging!

    Knowing there are other Brides-to-be out there is very encouraging!