Just went on a mini adding-spree, 22 y/o Female here!

My friends list is a little dead so I'd love some new support/people to support! I've been back on daily since last week. I go to the gym every weekday an workout at home on Saturday. Right now I'm struggling to get in the swing of things but I'm down 3 pounds since I started back up seriously so I must be close! Goal is to lose 20 lbs total! Anyways, anyone feel free to add me! (:


  • sandoozer
    Hey nice to meet you! I'm 21, aiming for around 20lbs too. Congrats on the first 3!
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    I'm an old lady here at 27, 28 on the 17th! But I'm a damn good friend if ya want me!