ugh--feeling down on myself. Please tell me this is ok.

jkohan Posts: 184 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
For the past 2 weeks, i've been to the gym 5x...and yet it looks like I will only get there 4x this week and it's bumming me out. :(

I just feel like this is the beginning of this slipping away from me and going to turn into a downward spiral.

I've never enjoyed going to the gym as I have this go-around--but while my head is CRAVING the exercise, my body feels tired and I logically know I need to rest (been there 2 days in a row this week).

UGH--these headgames suck.


  • If you need a break, whether it is physical or emotional it is definitely okay to take it. Just make sure to come back stronger the next day.
  • I just wanted to add a quick post here before I go to bed : )
    I hated exercise. Once I started and did it long enough for it to become a HABIT, I had really OCD thoughts about it. Even when I knew I needed a rest day, I continued to go to the gym 7 days per week, otherwise I felt awful! I was at a plateau for almost three months. I dropped 2 days a week from the gym and now i'm trying to find other ways to enjoy myself and take my mind off of those unhealthy thoughts of being in the gym every day. Lost 2 pounds the first week. Give your body the fuel AND the rest it needs.
  • mkep3000
    mkep3000 Posts: 11
    I agree. take a break if you feel like you need one. it may be your body telling you it needs the break. maybe start an every-other-day schedule? your head AND your body will work out a schedule =)
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you for the replies--given I'm a newbie. I'm so motivated--just don't want this time to turn out like all the others.....letting it slip away. KWIM?

    As I went upstairs to change into my workout clothes, my shins were a bit sore and I realized that my body was tired--I didn't want to struggle too much on the treadmill tonite and push myself into feeling worse tomorrow.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    Get your rest day and don't feel guilty about it. It is important for your body for a few reasons. It helps your muscles have a chance to repai, and it helps you balance your life and mental health. Don't beat yourself up for it. I started that way but then I learned that my body needs the rest days and they are just as important as the exercise days as long as 1 or 2 rest days doesn't turn into the rest of the week or month.

    "Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.
    Rest days are critical to sports performance for a variety of reasons. Some are physiological and some are psychological. Rest is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational athletes, building in rest days can help maintain a better balance between home, work and fitness goals."
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If you don't feel like going to the gym every night, you might try some short dvds at home. I have 3 days a week of intense working out (about 50 minutes). Then I have 3 days a week of easier things that don't take nearly as much time. It works for me. I work different muscle groups every day so that my muscles don't get too terribly sore from doing the same thing 2 days in a row.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you for the support! I can't go tonite either since I have plans this 2days on, 2 days off, 2 days on this week for a total of 4 days.

    I'll deal with it....
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    If you don't feel like going to the gym every night, you might try some short dvds at home. I have 3 days a week of intense working out (about 50 minutes). Then I have 3 days a week of easier things that don't take nearly as much time. It works for me. I work different muscle groups every day so that my muscles don't get too terribly sore from doing the same thing 2 days in a row.

    this is really good advice. I honeslty hate going to the gym so I bought a couple inexpensive workout DVD's.
    I have the 30 day shred which I don't particularly love cuz its not fun but its EFFECTIVE and short (only 20mins)
    I also have the Turbo Jam DVDs and I love love love them! they are so fun and its something I actually look forward to doing.

    Think about adding some fun dancing Dvd's or some relaxing yoga Dvd's, anything that u actually enjoy and interchange these fun workouts with serious gym workouts.
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