Extreme Diet?

Hey everyone, my name is Rebecca and I am new to this fitness pal just hoping to lose a little bit of weight to get back to what I used to be and then maintain it :) such a sucker for cookies and pizzas though. I have been trying to do this diet since Sunday: http://www.jaduncan.com/2006/04/how-i-lost-stone-in-week.html. It went fine on Sunday but felt soo weak on Monday so had to change the dinner to a carby one! And I followe dit perfectly yesterday - Tuesday but last night I felt so unwell from how little food I'd ate that this morning I woke up and have eaten a whole box of granola. What advice would any of you guys give to get past this?! Or to even be on this diet at all...I do feel its pretty extreme but I do need to lose the weight by next Thursday argh.

Any advice would be great guys :) and if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do, its great to have a buddy :D and my friends are not at all supportive of me getting fit, skinny and healthy :|



  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me! I think you have answered your own question, if it makes you feel terrible you prolly shouldn't do it. Remember that any diet that promises 10lbs in a week or similar is prolly not good for you :) you might lose weight but most of it will be water weight and as soon as you start eating regular again it will all come back if not more.

    ETA: At your size you should aim for .5lb a week...I know it doesn't seem like much but slow and steady wins the race :) just reduce your calories (to a reasonable level, at least 1200 calories) and add some work outs :flowerforyou: it will happen dear, just take your time
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    That sounds like an extremely low calorie diet. If you continue, the shakiness will only get worse and you'll begin to feel queasy and get headaches. Those are side effects of starvation diets. Please do not continue on that diet.

    How much are looking to lose in total? It's very unlikely you can healthily lose any significant amount of weight in a week.

    Someone is going to jump in here with a link about a roadmap (I can never find the link myself) - read that and start there. In the meantime, you can start being healthier and working towards your weight loss TODAY by drinking more water, or adding in a serving fruits or veggies, or working out for a half an hour.
  • rebeccalouisemellor
    Hi hottwinmama! Thanks for the advice, the diet claims to be a chemical one that hospitals give to those who need to lose weight before surgery! I know that I may put it all back on after the week but I think I am okay with this because the weight really needs to be lost by Thursday as I have two modelling shoots! The first two I've had since the weight gain :( so if it will work I think I will just try to eat a normal diet afterwards and not expect to keep it off. No fun though, I just love carbs!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Any 'diet' that leaves you weak and shaky is not healthy and not sustainable. And most likely the few pounds you do lose you will gain back as soon as you stop dieting. It's best to make this a healthy lifestyle change. Eat the allotted calories MFP gives you, eat a variety of healthy fresh foods, drink lot's of water and exercise. The weight will come off and stay off!
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
  • rebeccalouisemellor
    Hey quirkytizzy. I did start to feel queasy but I have only been doing it for three days and with today off, do you think it will be ok to continue doing this 3 days on 1 off thing?

    I am looking to lose maximum 10 pounds for Thursday and a minimum of 5 pounds.
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    That sounds like an extremely low calorie diet. If you continue, the shakiness will only get worse and you'll begin to feel queasy and get headaches. Those are side effects of starvation diets. Please do not continue on that diet.

    How much are looking to lose in total? It's very unlikely you can healthily lose any significant amount of weight in a week.

    Someone is going to jump in here with a link about a roadmap (I can never find the link myself) - read that and start there. In the meantime, you can start being healthier and working towards your weight loss TODAY by drinking more water, or adding in a serving fruits or veggies, or working out for a half an hour.

    Just look for helloitsdan....he has it all laid out :) I am currently on it myself....I enjoy my 1800 calories a day lol:bigsmile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    That sounds like an extremely low calorie diet. If you continue, the shakiness will only get worse and you'll begin to feel queasy and get headaches. Those are side effects of starvation diets. Please do not continue on that diet.

    How much are looking to lose in total? It's very unlikely you can healthily lose any significant amount of weight in a week.

    Someone is going to jump in here with a link about a roadmap (I can never find the link myself) - read that and start there. In the meantime, you can start being healthier and working towards your weight loss TODAY by drinking more water, or adding in a serving fruits or veggies, or working out for a half an hour.

    OK the simple fact that you have a protoss as your avatar makes me love you. :love:

    This coming from an old veteran of the original SC ladder.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    OK the simple fact that you have a protoss as your avatar makes me love you. :love:

    This coming from an old veteran of the original SC ladder.

    Thank you! This is actually a picture from a video game called Mass Effect, but he looks remarkable like a protoss! Starcraft is one of those classics I vow to play one day - everyone I know whose played it has raved about it! Awesome to meet another gamer! <3
  • rebeccalouisemellor
    Ahhh good tip I just went on and seen his 'road map'. v. interesting! xxxx
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hey quirkytizzy. I did start to feel queasy but I have only been doing it for three days and with today off, do you think it will be ok to continue doing this 3 days on 1 off thing?

    I am looking to lose maximum 10 pounds for Thursday and a minimum of 5 pounds.

    This is far too dangerous.

    5 lbs will not make much of a difference in how you look.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Any advice would be great guys :) and if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do, its great to have a buddy :D and my friends are not at all supportive of me getting fit, skinny and healthy :|

    The best advice would be to lose weight at a healthy and sensible 1lb a week, and aim for fit and healthy not skinny it's not a good look its a shame the media makes people think that's what we should be don't waste your twenties seeking for perfection because you will look back one day and realise it was right under your nose after all
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    OK the simple fact that you have a protoss as your avatar makes me love you. :love:

    This coming from an old veteran of the original SC ladder.

    Thank you! This is actually a picture from a video game called Mass Effect, but he looks remarkable like a protoss! Starcraft is one of those classics I vow to play one day - everyone I know whose played it has raved about it! Awesome to meet another gamer! <3

    Oh, yeah, I've played Mass Effect, and now that I see it, you're right, that's Garrus. But yeah, from just the head shot, he looks just like a Protoss (so much so that now I wonder.....) a little less angular than a protoss but...
  • rebeccalouisemellor
    Hey traceytwink, thanks for your advice. I don't mean skinny in the underweight horrible sense, sorry poor choice of word, I should have said just more toned and fat loss! I don't want to lose a lot of weight but more just to tone up and get to my normal weight because I've ballooned in a few months.
  • rebeccalouisemellor
    Hey quirkytizzy. I did start to feel queasy but I have only been doing it for three days and with today off, do you think it will be ok to continue doing this 3 days on 1 off thing?

    I am looking to lose maximum 10 pounds for Thursday and a minimum of 5 pounds.

    This is far too dangerous.

    5 lbs will not make much of a difference in how you look.

    Hey now_or_never1, normally when I lose 5 pounds I just generally feel better/have better digestion and more energy so this si what I'm going for minimum. :)
  • U222033
    U222033 Posts: 10 Member
    Diets are bad.
    Stay away from them.
    Just eat lots of protien, fruits and veggies.
    Replace your carbs with meats or nuts to fill the hunger void and try protien shakes but make sure you read the label and it doesnt have more than 10g of carbs per serving.
    I am hyperglycemic so I am stuck on a restricted "diet" but I just watch what I eat, track it on here and stay within my guidelines. And when you feel hungry drink a glass of water, most of the time, myself included I am just thirsty and our bodies can not distinguish the difference between hungry and thirsty. And if you crave sweets like I do, dark chocolate is a great way to treat yourself and is low in sugar and high in antioxidents :)

    Hope this helps!!
    God bless
  • Shellbug75
    Shellbug75 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there. You definitely do not want to start an extreme diet. Even if those diets work (which are dangerous), most people end up gaining the weight back. I know we all want to lose weight and fast. I was one of those people looking for a quick fix just about 6 weeks ago. I then realized there is no quick fix and I had to work hard at it. But you don't have to starve while doing it.

    I am a huge chocolate lover, especially cookies. You can still have cookies. You just need to make sure you watch your portion control. It is hard at first, but it does get easier. Check labels. Chips A'hoy cookies are 160 calories for 3. Also, to help with any chocolate cravings fiber one has a good brownie that is only 90 calories. That usually fixes my chocolate fix.

    Ok, so I'm rambling. Just remember, the experts say you never want to eat below your BMR. If you don't know your BMR, there are plenty of calculators online that you can find it. Good luck!
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Hi Rebecca! First off, how tall are you, and what weight are you starting at?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Hey quirkytizzy. I did start to feel queasy but I have only been doing it for three days and with today off, do you think it will be ok to continue doing this 3 days on 1 off thing?

    I am looking to lose maximum 10 pounds for Thursday and a minimum of 5 pounds.

    You could do that, but that's not going to drop that weight that fast. 5 pounds in a week is a hard number to reach. Even if you did try to eat on that schedule, you'll likely just wind up hungry and over eating on those 3 days. Calorie cycling, at higher calorie levels, has been something members had success with. (Say, 1400 one day, 1600 another, 1800 another, on and off during the week.)

    My main concern is that you wouldn't be getting enough calories or nutrients with this diet. If you start on being healthy today, you will at least have nearly a week's worth of good habits behind you by Thursday. And you never know - you might drop a few pounds of water weight in the process.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    As for the OP.

    Ugh, this is a mistake IMHO. Any diet that you can't sustain is a diet not worth using. Plus, this sounds remarkably similar to the grapefruit diet (which has been roundly disproven by medical professionals). http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-grapefruit-diet

    My impression:

    Very low calorie, not sustainable, lacking in many vital macro and micro nutrients. This is not a diet for long term adherence. If you are already at a reasonable weight, this diet will not make you "shed fat" in any appreciable amount, what it will do is promote fat storage, reduce muscle quantity, and diminish metabolic function. I can't imagine doing even moderate cardio on this diet, never mind weight training or HIIT.

    Lets look at the specifics. you need about 6 to 8 oz of proteins a day, unless you're eating giant servings of chicken breast, you aren't getting that (2 eggs won't cut it for total daily protein needs). Your veggies are very lite. Keep in mind this depends on the contents of the salad, we're looking for 3 cups of veggies, but that's assuming more than just green leaf veggies. You're not receiving anywhere near enough whole grains as recommended most professionals for a healthy diet, And what's with the "Fresh Fruit Any Amount" statement. So I can have 3 apples and 4 bananas for lunch?
    consider this, most people, even on a reduced calorie diet, require at least 70 or 80 Grams of protein (about 1g per KG body weight is the minimum), an average hard boiled egg has about 7 or 8 grams of protein, so eating two would give you 14 to 16 grams of protein. That's bad news for muscle health.

    The goal of MFP is healthy weight loss when it is a part of a healthy lifestyle and exercise and diet regimen. The site does not condone "lose weight fast" diets that sacrifice health in order to achieve fast results. As a trainer and someone who's serious about nutrition and health, I'd be vehemently against this diet for one of my clients.