

  • GA_Girl40
    I've had the same problem as well......I think that I've tried so many "DIETS" in the past and haven't been successful. I think that the problem is our mentality. We need to change the way we think and change our attitude about food and exercise. This has been very hard for me. I like all of the wonderful advice everyone has given. I'm new to this site and everyone has been so helpful and encouraging. So, Thanks to all of you who posted :flowerforyou:
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    It seems complicated when every person does things differently but, I follow the calorie intake that MFP has given me to lose 2 pounds a week with 5 days of exercise for 30 minutes. I don't eat back my burned calories and I try to never go over 1250 in a day for my calorie intake while trying to burn at least 400 calories a day with exercise.

    It can be really hard to find out what works best for you but, once you get the hang of it- everything is wonderful in the land of weight loss! ;)

    I would just give you the advice to eat less but, move more.

    The biggest thing is learning portion control. I actually wasn't eating terribly before but, I was eating horrid amounts of food. I am still learning how to eat smaller meals and stop when I am satisfied not, when I am stuffed.

    You can add me as a friend to go through your weight loss with you. You can do this! :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Whoa, what???
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    1. Eat nutritious, healthy foods at a healthy deficit from your total daily energy use

    2. Don't overthink it, it really is straightforward

    3. Move yo' butt, girl, often, and push yourself

    4. Drink enough water

    5. Sleep enough

    6. Rinse and repeat.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Also, check your attitude. People are giving you the advice you asked for; how are they being rude?
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    There are some good suggestions on here...One that works well for me is to build on what is already working or what I'm already doing...i.e. if you like to cook, say fried chicken/pork chops...take the breading off and cook them or switch your cooking oil to another that's a little healthier...if going out to eat or grabbing a quick bite works do that, but choose Subway instead of McDonald's or grilled chicken instead of fried. If you eat iceberg lettuce try mixing in some green or red leaf lettuce, then switch over completely. I still treat myself like with a milkshake...but instead of getting the jumbo/bucket size I get a small and make it last.

    I think most diets work as long as you aren't restricting yourself (even those work, but only temporarily), so if you want to do a diet...maybe just pick one and try it for a month or two. If it's not working for you, try another one...the key is to do something until you find what works. Good luck :)
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    Everyone has an internal clock:
    for example, if I eat frenchfries at noon,
    I say to myself "well, I just ruined my day, I might as well
    eat pizza, ice cream, cake, potato chips... and then get
    back on my diet tomorrow."

    Instead, "re-set" your inner clock:
    if you eat fries, say, ok, I'm going to eat a light, healthy dinner.

    Voila! Skinny people don't "punish" themselves for eating crap
    by eating MORE crap! That's a fat persons mentality (mine included.)
    I'm trying to "reset" my clock...

    This is SO true! "Skinny people don't "punish" themselves for eating crap
    by eating MORE crap! That's a fat persons mentality (mine included.)
    I'm trying to "reset" my clock..."

    Thanks for making me realize that. :D
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It seems complicated when every person does things differently but, I follow the calorie intake that MFP has given me to lose 2 pounds a week with 5 days of exercise for 30 minutes. I don't eat back my burned calories and I try to never go over 1250 in a day for my calorie intake while trying to burn at least 400 calories a day with exercise.

    It can be really hard to find out what works best for you but, once you get the hang of it- everything is wonderful in the land of weight loss! ;)

    I would just give you the advice to eat less but, move more.

    The biggest thing is learning portion control. I actually wasn't eating terribly before but, I was eating horrid amounts of food. I am still learning how to eat smaller meals and stop when I am satisfied not, when I am stuffed.

    You can add me as a friend to go through your weight loss with you. You can do this! :)

    While I can appreciate your support for OP, I'm not so sure I agree with your consistently netting 850 calories approach.

    OP: track everything, move a little more, eat a little less (but enough), adjust as needed.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I'm all about HelloItsDan's Roadmap:

    Want to simplify the Roadmap even more? Use heybals's spreadsheet to calculate your daily calories, which takes into consideration not only the amount, but also the type of exercise you do. You'll just need a tape measure and a scale.:

    Finally, pay closer attention to tracking your measurements. My scale has been barely budging, but I have lost inches from my waist, hips and thighs so far this year. Sometimes we simply need to redefine "success".
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    If you lack knowledge of healthy nutrition then research that topic. find out the correct number of servings of each food group, what normal serving sizes are. Read labels. Log your food and use the diary as a learning tool. You will figure out what works for YOU. It won't be exactly like anyone else's food will be your own....and it will be always evolving as you broaden your tastes and learn more about nutrition.

    In brief:

    Step one: log everything you eat and pay attention to what you see on your diary
    Step two: make adjustments

    Acknowledge that it takes time to establish new habit. Be patient with yourself.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    I think somebody needs to put some "gr" in their attitude and show some gratitude for the people who are giving you very helpful responses.

    Personally, I didn't see any rude responses at all to your question (that is, until you started calling everyone "total *sses"). Seems to me that you are projecting your own issues onto others.

    Rather than criticizing the quality of help you're receiving, perhaps offer some more detailed information upon which others can base some educated advice. Open up your diary, provide some background on yourself, etc. Otherwise there is no other advice for people to give than very generic advice.
  • Starleng
    Starleng Posts: 52 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. NO ONE was rude, but you. Everyone was giving you advice you asked for. :huh:
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I am so confused on what the right diet or workout plan is to lose the weight. There are so many out there, but I dont know what route to take or what diet to follow!

    Eat less and move more....that is the right plan to follow.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Also, check your attitude. People are giving you the advice you asked for; how are they being rude?

    No one was rude, she is the only rude one.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Wow, I thought you were getting some good advice. I didn't see any attitude in the responses...guess it's all in your perception. So good luck with that.

    Yeah, I looked through 3 times to see if I was missing something. I don't see a single rude comment.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    No one was rude. You, however, are now being rude by lashing out (as a previous poster memed) at those offering suggestions. No one called you names. No one called you stupid. No one said you were lazy and not doing anything right.

    You are being ridiculous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Who was being rude? I thought the suggestions were very helpful.

    Same here. I went back and read them all again, and from what I saw, each and every poster was trying to help and being very nice about it.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    just so we are all CLEAR HERE! I am moving! I am working out 5 days a week at the gym. I really only wanted helpful things not the attitude u get on here! thanks! This is supposed to be a helpful site that people can go 2 to get that support and yet we have the people who just want to be total *sses!

    Who was being rude? I thought the suggestions were very helpful.

    Same here. I went back and read them all again, and from what I saw, each and every poster was trying to help and being very nice about it.

    The answer she was looking for is raspberry ketones.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm all about HelloItsDan's Roadmap:

    Want to simplify the Roadmap even more? Use heybals's spreadsheet to calculate your daily calories, which takes into consideration not only the amount, but also the type of exercise you do. You'll just need a tape measure and a scale.:

    Finally, pay closer attention to tracking your measurements. My scale has been barely budging, but I have lost inches from my waist, hips and thighs so far this year. Sometimes we simply need to redefine "success".

    Agreed. Figure out your ideal calorie intake, factor in the exercise you are doing, log everything on MFP and stick to it. To keep it simple I try to make up half my plate with veg, quarter with protein, quarter with carbs. A set of kitchen scales is also invaluable to make sure you are actually eating the quantities you think you are.