Taking it to the next level?

I am a 41 year old, 5 Ft 8 female and currently weigh between 148 and 150 pounds. Not " overweight" but I would like to be in the 135-140 range. I am fairly active, run 3 times a week (usually 2 miles) or do stationary bike for 35-50 min. I also just started the 30 day shred and am on day 7. My question is this: I feel that I am doing everything" right" but I am definitely feeling like I need to take it to the next level. I almost always come in my calorie range but have just taken a look at my diet and see that I am consuming a lot of sodium, in food that I would not have suspected like my " lite" salad dressing and shrimp!! Could this be why I am not " losing" the pounds? Also, does anyone have advice on how I can step it up to the next level so I can reach my target weight? I'm debating doing P90x after the shred or maybe lifting ( I do NOT have a gym membership but we do own a weight bench) Thanks for my advice/ support. Just a bit frustrated but extremely motivated.