My first 5K... a little scared



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    As long as you finish, you met the goal!

    I hate the cold, but I had a few races this winter, one in the snow with flurries and another freezing, muddy and up hill. I have finally realized that the cold is a blessing. I PRed them AND never broke a sweat. That's the best part of running in the cold. You just don;t sweat much, if at all.

    GO FOR IT!
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    You can do it! The biggest obstacle you will face is just getting over yourself and doing it! I still get nervous before I go for a run because I'm worried I'll have to quit before I run as much as I planned to. Running is really such a mind game. I usually start thinking I want to quit long before my body needs to. Just do it! Even if you have to walk some so what?? Use any doubt you encounter from others to fuel you. It will make it that much better when you achieve your goal!
    Just don't quit! No matter how bad you want to or how slow you think you're going or how silly you think you look. Don't give up! You can do this!

    ^^^This for sure! It is so much of a mind game. I used the C25K last spring. Started at 5'1, 186 lbs and it was tough but I did it and you can too! I now run 2.5 miles 4x a week and a 5k every Saturday. I'm hoping to do a 1/2 marathon by the end of the summer.

    You've got this!!!! When you feel your mind starting to say give up, just shout out - 1 more minute. Just keep doing that, push just a bit further and you'll be so amazed at what you really can do!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I totally remember this feeling! Here's my blog post from my first 5k. I'm now having these feelings again as my first 10 miler approaches in a few weeks. You can do it. Just remember to walk when you need to, you wanna cross that finish line on your feet ;) Good luck!
  • unlikelyathlete
    unlikelyathlete Posts: 62 Member
    You can definitely do this!!! I started running 14 years ago, walking 1 minute, then running 1 minute. 2 years later I ran a half-marathon. All it takes is putting in the time. Try a couch to 5k program. You should be able to find them all over the internet.

    Yeah!! So inspiring!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    You can do it! I know my first one, I was worried and a bit intimidated. But once I got going, it was so much fun! Everyone is out to have a good time. I love 5K runs, people are happy and supportive. My first, I did with my daughter...and guess what...I beat her! LOL. I waited for her at the finish line. What a great feeling that was!
    Work on the couch to 5K. Once you get started the day of the run, it will go by so quickly and you will have a blast. Congrats for deciding to do it!
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    You will do awesome!! I remember my first 5K - I thought I would be the slowest one there, the heaviest one there, I'm going to be last to finish...and I was none of those! We are our own worse enemy.

    And as LorinaLynn said - if you can get through a run/walk in the cold/snow you can do it in any weather! I used to walk every day at lunch - snow, cold, any weather but rain.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    Don't be scared! There will be all types of people there. Some will run, some will walk, some will do both. Depending on the event, there may be dogs and/or baby strollers on the course.

    Crossing the finish line is an accomplishment, no matter how long it may take.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    IF you have to sprinkle in walking to finish your 5k, big deal. If you have to walk the whole thing, big deal.

    If you have enough time between now and the race, start Couch to 5K and reap the benefits
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Thanks for all of the encouragement.

    To answer the question that I was asked.. no I do not have access to a treadmill or elliptical.

    I probably would not have even thought about signing up if my son had told me no. I just dont do things like that by myself. I should tell him that he has to get outside and walk/jog with me to get ready and see what he says then. LOL
  • DrHeadBang
    DrHeadBang Posts: 22 Member
    It'll be a blast. I did my first in October after procrastinating for a year. I did it with a stroller in 45 minutes and since it was a small group I was left in the dust by the regular runners pretty close the the start. I wasn't last, though and I even passed a teenage girl I probably outweighed by 100 pounds at one point. But I had so much fun and loved how great I felt afterwards that I signed up for another a month later. My next is April 14th and I hope to do it under 40 - without the stroller this time.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    You totally need to do this! I ran my first one in November at 43 years old and I loved it! The atmosphere is fun and great and yo will love it and the fact that your son is willing to do it with you is awesome. My advice is to try to get a walk in when you can and try to walk/run 3 miles when you can to get ready for it. Don't stress about it, I did for 3 weeks, lol just to find out that it was so much fun!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I am running my first 5k on Saturday. I'm scared too, I know I can run the whole time but I am not sure if I will do it within my goal of 30 minutes or less. C25K helped me so much. I'm pumped!