Just starting the Shuan T Insanity program

Hey everyone,

My name is Rhys, Ive just turned 21 and im starting myself on a health drive.
I quit smoking 2 weeks ago and I started counting calories yesterday, today I start probably the worst part yet; the Insanity workout.

Here goes on day one: Fitness Test

Wish me luck, see you in 40.


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Good luck. I'm in week 2 (pure cardio tomorrow) :laugh:
  • Brina487
    Brina487 Posts: 23
    Good luck Im on Week 3 pure cardio and cardio abs ;)
  • snufs
    snufs Posts: 78
    good luck to all of you! I'm almost done with insanity, only two and a half weeks left! I have to say though, that so far I haven't seen any bigger changes in my body although I've tried my best at every session! I hope you'll do better, though! I'm gonna push through these last couple of weeks and hope to see some results by the end of all the hard work, because it truly is HARD! but whatever you do, DON'T QUIT!!!! I really do believe it will be worth it in the end. the second month is really hard but the feeling you get when you've completed a workout is amazing .. the best of wishes to you!!!
  • Brina487
    Brina487 Posts: 23
    Good Luck to you too =)