Looking for fellow Breastfeeding Mommas!



  • fallsj93
    fallsj93 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am nursing my 5 month old. He has solids once a day now. I lost 15lbs of pregnancy weight and have another 15lbs to go. I just joined MFP today and would love to have more mommy friends for encouragement. Feel free to add me :-)
  • QuickRedFox
    Oh, hai there!!! (Waving) nice to meet you all!

    I'm nursing a 4.5 month old, so far without any issue. I gained a ton of weight during pregnancy (60 lbs) and have about 20 more pounds to lose. I just accessed MFP full site today (had only been using the calorie counting app before) and am still learning my way around/looking for encouragement and good discussions. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm eager to hear how others are successful at losing weight while keeping up enough calories for BF. currently I'm eating 1200-1500 cal/day, drinking lots of water, and walking for exercise. I'm averaging about 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week, but have hit a few "stagnant" periods too (god those SUCK).

    Wondering if anyone here has tried a modified Dukan diet (consolidation plus additional fruits and whole grains)???
  • Nutterbeanie
    Nutterbeanie Posts: 5 Member
    Can I join? I am nursing a 9 month old, and I have a ton of weight to lose (at least 50)... Have lost 27 since giving birth but it is coming off soooo slowly and I get frustrated because when I calorie count, I am still hungry at the end of the day. My baby us huge and she nurses as much as she can, is also on solids and we have to supplement when I go to work (part-time). I can barely keep up with her!

    What is ths INSANITY thing some of you are talking about?
  • levelheadedgirl
    I am currently breastfeeding my 3 month old. Also have a 2 year old. I've lost all my baby weight but I was way overweight before I got pregnant so I'm working on losing it all and getting back to a healthy weight before my 30th birthday. Would love some more mom friends!
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    Another nursing mum here :)
  • JenevaMarie
    JenevaMarie Posts: 35 Member
    I am also a nursing mama. My little guy is almost 6 months. Always looking for friends :)
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    HI! i am a mom of 2 with a 3 year old and a 9 month old. I am still breastfeeding while she gets some solids. I have been able to loose the baby weight plus 20 pounds! :) yes, it is very very tricky to do all this at once. I still have about 20 pounds to go until goal weight. Feel free to add me!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I'm currently nursing a 19 month old :). I'm definitely past the stage where I'm including extra calories for breastfeeding (she's just nursing at night so I'm only making a few ounces a day, which doesn't burn much, and I'm no longer concerned with supply because to be quite honest I'm ready for her to stop anytime, haha), but a lot of the tips listed above are GREAT. Breastfeeding can be either a help or a hindrance when it comes to weight loss, depending on a lot of different factors, so just try to strike a balance and remember that your baby only needs your milk for the first year or two of life, and in the grand scheme of things that's just a blip - you have the rest of your life to lose the weight! Good luck to all of you guys!!
    This is where I am also. My body is just now starting to let me get rid of weight.
  • daniellalor
    daniellalor Posts: 2 Member
    I am 8 weeks pp today with my second baby! I am nursing as well and I am trying to find that balance as well but so far so good! Feel free to add me too and any one else who is in the same boat! I'd love to have more friends that are going through the same life changes.
  • ashleyplus3
    ashleyplus3 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi, I am breastfeeding a 6 month old. He hasn't started solids yet. I give myself 500 extra calories per day. I just started Monday, so we will see how that goes. Still, I am eating WAAAYYYY better than I was pre My Fitness Pal!!

    Will send you a friend request and hopefully we can encourage each other!

  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    2 weeks pp, ebf and going crazy trying to find time for myself lol also have a 7 y/o and a 6y/o ..hubbys gone for work 12 hrs a day, 4 days a week
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! :)

    I am still breastfeeding my nearly 2 year old son :)
    I am also a trained mother supporter and I did a breastfeeding counselor course for a while (taking a break haha!) so if any of you have any questions please ask! :)
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    I just want to say, with food and breastfeeding...as long as you eat healthy foods it doesnt matter if you are on a diet/eat less than you would normally it has NO effect on you milk production. Or drinking water..nothing really, its all down to demand. The only way you are gonna make milk is if you put your child on your breast, this is the stimulation your body needs in order to make milk, nothing else.
    and if you want to make more milk, you just have to breastfeed more, thats how easy it is.

    There are things that help like skin to skin contact and relaxed mummy :D

    but not food so dont worry yourselves about that, I remember I lived on pate and bread for good 2 months and we were all fine(just didnt fancy anything else it was weird! :D)

    good luck to you all!
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Hi! I've been nursing for 26 months now...I nursed my son until he was 20 months and during that time, I was also pregnant again and I am currently nursing my 8 month old. It is hard, but it is doable! I lost 27lbs in between my pregnancies while nursing using MFP. I've lost another 10 pounds since the birth of my daughter. I've done the tandem nursing thing, pregnant nursing, regular nursing, lol! Anyone can add me if you want!
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    I wish I lost something thank to bfeeding! never did.. :(:D
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    Hey! I'm nursing a 5 month old and occasionally a 2 year old! I have added nursing as a "exercise" and asked my fitness pal to subtract 300 calories per day for it. This gives you the 300+ calories a nursing mother needs. (A mother nursing a newborn or multiples may need 600+ extra calories per day to maintain her milk supply) But making milk isn't all about just calories. WHAT you eat matters a lot. Healthy fats make healthy milk! It IS possible to lose weight while maintaining your milk supply-I've done it once already (and got pregnant again.) =) This is an excellent resource; http://kellymom.com/nutrition/mothers-diet/mom-weightloss/

    love kellymom!
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Hey! I'm currently nursing my 2.5 month old. I was having troubles with supply this week so I just upped my calorie count by another 100 calories. I'm currently at 1800 and hoping that's enough. My son is always on the breast (every hour it seems,) so stimulation wasn't really an issue. Anxiety is also playing a large role in my milk production (PPA/PPD)
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    Hey! I'm currently nursing my 2.5 month old. I was having troubles with supply this week so I just upped my calorie count by another 100 calories. I'm currently at 1800 and hoping that's enough. My son is always on the breast (every hour it seems,) so stimulation wasn't really an issue. Anxiety is also playing a large role in my milk production (PPA/PPD)

    hiya, what makes you you think you dont make enough?:)
    im sorry to hear about your problem, hope you feel better in no time! x
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Hey! I'm currently nursing my 2.5 month old. I was having troubles with supply this week so I just upped my calorie count by another 100 calories. I'm currently at 1800 and hoping that's enough. My son is always on the breast (every hour it seems,) so stimulation wasn't really an issue. Anxiety is also playing a large role in my milk production (PPA/PPD)

    hiya, what makes you you think you dont make enough?:)
    im sorry to hear about your problem, hope you feel better in no time! x

    My son is still hungry when he's done feeding. At first I wasn't sure, but he dropped from 50th percentile (at birth) down to 15th (at 2 month check,) which tells me he isn't getting enough. I began to supplement last week, after his 2 month check up, and he managed to down an additional 6oz after being on the breast for 15 minutes (and pulling constantly.) Even though I'm currently supplementing, I usually feed him on the breast first and pump the other side before giving him any formula. It's discouraging to know he's not getting enough. I had no supply problems with my first child and breastfed him for 9 months, at which point I weaned because of severe PPA. I wasn't trying to lose any weight that time.
  • SophiasMama12
    SophiasMama12 Posts: 6 Member
    I breast feed my little girl at night only and she is 11 months old. When we stopped doing it exclusively, I gained 10lbs and my mood dropped but I still breast feed at night