Bored while working out!



  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Sometimes I watch tv. I wath the shows that I know gone last for an hour or more. Another way just start working out without trying to look @ the time. By the time I finish. I be done did more than I expectedI hope this helps
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    What about waterproof earbuds, or headphones that do not go in the ears?

    I would go crazy without my phone while working out. I watch Netflix most of the time while doing cardio, or listen to music.
  • jabrock9
    jabrock9 Posts: 65
    I make a game out of it. Basically I try to get a higher calorie count, heart rate etc... in less time than the previous workout. I also like to "race" whoever is next to me. Both of these along with an ipod keep me entertained. To be perfectly honest though,I do the bulk of my workouts without machines anymore, either Insanity or tabata style circuit classes. I love to mix it up.
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