Help me lose and get lean!



  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Thanks ill look that up.

    No not taking any sups, should I?
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Just looked over the 5x5, is there any other routines that may suit my circumstances more?
    I work out at home and don't go to the gym, I have a basic weight bench with 50kg of weights,barbell and dumbells I need a routine to build muscle using this set up in my garage, any suggestions?
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    You have to keep going through this stall no matter what and you'll be rewarded if you keep going for at least 6 more weeks then revisit.

    the trick is to keep going whether or not you are losing weight (if you are on a healthy program). Are you gaining strength? check that out instead.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Ok quick update, I'm still around 162-164lbs and not losing, I'm lifting weights 3 times a week and a bit of cardio on other 2 days. I've upped my cals to 2160 and been there for the last 2-3 weeks and still on a plateau that I've been in since start of feb! I'm eating 162g of protein. Just can't get rid of my belly!!!! Is my TDEE correct as above for my activity level? If so am I still under eating and should I increase again or try a few more weeks? I'm so lost I just want to lose my belly and see some abs!

    Please help!
  • scarrie2
    scarrie2 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm no expert but I would do a little more cardio, even if its just 20 min a day 5x a week. And try more berries instead of bananas, I try to limit the amount of bananas I eat week. Try grapefruit once a day.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Surely eating at a deficit and doing more cardio will lose me lean mass? Can I ask why to cut out bananas?
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    My TDEE set at very active (scoobys workshop site 2nd highest activity level) is 2956? -20% = 2364 cals
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    1. Cut out the bread, pasta, and cereal. Carbs are fine, but refined carbs are what prevents fat loss. Try switching up to brown rice, oats, sweet potatoes, fruit, beans and lentils for you primary source of carbs.

    2. High intensity interval training 2-3 times a week will get the fat off fast.

    3. Increase protein consumption to about 1-2 grams per each pound of body weight. For instance, I weigh 132 pounds, so I aim for 132 grams of high quality protein a day, minimum. I just recently learned that not all protein powders are created equal. Make sure you are using a high quality protein supplement.

    4. Whole milk is superior to skim when trying to lose body fat and add muscle.

    5. Fat, especially saturated fats, are your friend. Try to keep your fats at 25-30% of overall calorie consumption. Avoid polyunsaturated fats (safflower, canola, peanut, and other vegetable oils) as these are emerging in the dietary science as being directly responsible for fat storage on the body.

    6. Give yourself a "free day" once or twice a week to eat your favorite foods in whatever amounts you desire. Otherwise be strict with yourself and eat according to your plan.

    7. Get plenty of rest. Eight + hours a night will allow your body to heal and recover from diet and exercise stress. Not enough sleep is associated with obesity and heart disease.

    8. Weigh and measure all of your foods. This is the only way to know if you are logging amounts accurately.

    9. Log everything, everyday.

    10. Watch your sodium intake. Most people eat too much sodium, and this throws off the balance of other body systems. Sodium is an electrolyte and necessary for health, but too much can cause an electrolyte imbalance.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Surely eating at a deficit and doing more cardio will lose me lean mass? Can I ask why to cut out bananas?

    A couple of bananas a week aren't going to cause any problems. Bananas are very high on the glycemic index, probably one of the highest non-grain foods. High glycemic foods cause a spike and then drop in blood insulin levels which correlate to personal energy levels.

    If you are feeling worn out and tired during the day, it is your insulin spikes and subsequent drops that could be causing this issue. Try switching up to lower glycemic fruits like apples, strawberries or blueberries instead of bananas for more even energy levels.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Thanks for the response.....
    1.i eat a loaf of wholemeal a week and occasional bowls of cereal, should I cut all this out?

    2.i do HIIT on my exercise bike at home twice a week

    3.i already take 162g protein each day mostly from chicken and eggs,milk and cheese!

    4.isnt whole milk full of fat? I thought skimmed was best?

    5.i thought sat fats were bad? I only use olive oil and butter!

    6.i have a cheat day every sat! As I burn a lot of cals playing football that day.

    7.i sleep for 8hrs usually 11pm-7am

    8.i weigh my foods

    9.i log every little thing except on cheat day usually under my sodium intake and I drink 2ltrs of water a day minimum.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Bump,advice? Carry on as I am or increase calories?
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    I am 5' 10" 150 down from 185 a year ago. I now have what most would consider a desirable physique with clear muscle definition, visible ab muscles, and little to no excess flab anywhere. I have been through what you are going through and there's no easy solution or formula. There is only one truth which no one seems to like to talk about here, and that is how much you bust your *kitten* in the gym. If you eat under your TDEE, it doesn't matter whether its 5,10, or 20%, and kick your own butt during your workouts, you WILL look the way you want to. Just working out isn't good enough. You need to lift to the point where you want to cry, and do cardio to the point where you want to puke. It's easy to get from 200 to 170, but going from where you are to where I am takes a level of work and discipline very few have. Forget about the 5x5 crap, lowering carbs, tweaking your percentages and macros, blah, blah, blah, blah, and start working out until you're whimpering and and every fiber if your mind and body are telling you to stop. Then and only then will you get the results you are looking for. And no, it won't happen over night, but one day in maybe 3 months, maybe 3 years, you will look in the mirror and say "I'm where I want to be physically"
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Thanks for that, I probably needed to hear that....what calorie intake do you recommend then? Did you eat a calorie deficit to get how you are now along side the hard work in the gym? In your opinion am I under eating? There's so much contradiction on what to eat and what not to eat its all so confusing!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Thanks for the response.....
    1. No you'll lose weight as long as you're in a deficit. If you have trouble regulating your appetite and find yourself going over your calorie intake do to processed foods then you may want to consider cutting back on them.

    2. This is fine

    3. Good

    4.. Fat is good. You need about .35 grams of fat per pound of lean body mass. Fish, nuts, seeds, olive oile, steak, eggs, whole milk are all good sources.

    5. Saturated fats are also good. It's trans fats you want to avoid.

    6. Good. Enjoy yourself some.

    7. Good sllep is important

    8. Awesome! It's important to be accurate/

    9.Log your cheat days as best as possible.

    10.This is fine.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I am 5' 10" 150 down from 185 a year ago. I now have what most would consider a desirable physique with clear muscle definition, visible ab muscles, and little to no excess flab anywhere. I have been through what you are going through and there's no easy solution or formula. There is only one truth which no one seems to like to talk about here, and that is how much you bust your *kitten* in the gym. If you eat under your TDEE, it doesn't matter whether its 5,10, or 20%, and kick your own butt during your workouts, you WILL look the way you want to. Just working out isn't good enough. You need to lift to the point where you want to cry, and do cardio to the point where you want to puke. It's easy to get from 200 to 170, but going from where you are to where I am takes a level of work and discipline very few have. Forget about the 5x5 crap, lowering carbs, tweaking your percentages and macros, blah, blah, blah, blah, and start working out until you're whimpering and and every fiber if your mind and body are telling you to stop. Then and only then will you get the results you are looking for. And no, it won't happen over night, but one day in maybe 3 months, maybe 3 years, you will look in the mirror and say "I'm where I want to be physically"

    This sounds like a great speech for a Rocky movie however it's a one way ticket to over training and loss of lean body mass.

    What you need is an intelligent and effective program. NOT this. This is what leads people to injury and then they can't work out anymore because they've spent 3 hours at the gym every day for the past 6 months.

    Push yourself OP. But this is off the dial.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    I am 5' 10" 150 down from 185 a year ago. I now have what most would consider a desirable physique with clear muscle definition, visible ab muscles, and little to no excess flab anywhere. I have been through what you are going through and there's no easy solution or formula. There is only one truth which no one seems to like to talk about here, and that is how much you bust your *kitten* in the gym. If you eat under your TDEE, it doesn't matter whether its 5,10, or 20%, and kick your own butt during your workouts, you WILL look the way you want to. Just working out isn't good enough. You need to lift to the point where you want to cry, and do cardio to the point where you want to puke. It's easy to get from 200 to 170, but going from where you are to where I am takes a level of work and discipline very few have. Forget about the 5x5 crap, lowering carbs, tweaking your percentages and macros, blah, blah, blah, blah, and start working out until you're whimpering and and every fiber if your mind and body are telling you to stop. Then and only then will you get the results you are looking for. And no, it won't happen over night, but one day in maybe 3 months, maybe 3 years, you will look in the mirror and say "I'm where I want to be physically"

    This sounds like a great speech for a Rocky movie however it's a one way ticket to over training and loss of lean body mass.

    What you need is an intelligent and effective program. NOT this. This is what leads people to injury and then they can't work out anymore because they've spent 3 hours at the gym every day for the past 6 months.

    Push yourself OP. But this is off the dial.

    Not 3 hours a day. 1 1/2 hours a day 4 days a week. It's not about time, it's about intensity. I'm not even close to overtraining, I'm just don't undertrain like most of the lazy people who look for diet tricks to be their answer.

    To answer your question OP, I ate 1700 for several months, upped it to 2100 when I got close to my goal weight, and now I eat around 2500 a day on average( more on workout days, less on off days). I work construction and have a 3 year old. I usually don't sit down from 7am til 8pm, so my TDEE is in the upper range as well. All I can say is trust me. I am probably the only person who has responded to your post that has lived your exact circumstances. I have suffered no injuries, no fatigue, and no plateaus or setbacks. One thing, hard work, period. Why do you think professional athletes are all ripped! Do you think their coaches and trainers are worried about "overtraining" as they're running wind sprints, pushing every set to failure, and crawling off the field or out of the gym. Fear of overtraining is an easy way out if pushing your body past what's comfortable.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I am 5' 10" 150 down from 185 a year ago. I now have what most would consider a desirable physique with clear muscle definition, visible ab muscles, and little to no excess flab anywhere. I have been through what you are going through and there's no easy solution or formula. There is only one truth which no one seems to like to talk about here, and that is how much you bust your *kitten* in the gym. If you eat under your TDEE, it doesn't matter whether its 5,10, or 20%, and kick your own butt during your workouts, you WILL look the way you want to. Just working out isn't good enough. You need to lift to the point where you want to cry, and do cardio to the point where you want to puke. It's easy to get from 200 to 170, but going from where you are to where I am takes a level of work and discipline very few have. Forget about the 5x5 crap, lowering carbs, tweaking your percentages and macros, blah, blah, blah, blah, and start working out until you're whimpering and and every fiber if your mind and body are telling you to stop. Then and only then will you get the results you are looking for. And no, it won't happen over night, but one day in maybe 3 months, maybe 3 years, you will look in the mirror and say "I'm where I want to be physically"

    This sounds like a great speech for a Rocky movie however it's a one way ticket to over training and loss of lean body mass.

    What you need is an intelligent and effective program. NOT this. This is what leads people to injury and then they can't work out anymore because they've spent 3 hours at the gym every day for the past 6 months.

    Push yourself OP. But this is off the dial.

    Not 3 hours a day. 1 1/2 hours a day 4 days a week. It's not about time, it's about intensity. I'm not even close to overtraining, I'm just don't undertrain like most of the lazy people who look for diet tricks to be their answer.

    To answer your question OP, I ate 1700 for several months, upped it to 2100 when I got close to my goal weight, and now I eat around 2500 a day on average( more on workout days, less on off days). I work construction and have a 3 year old. I usually don't sit down from 7am til 8pm, so my TDEE is in the upper range as well. All I can say is trust me. I am probably the only person who has responded to your post that has lived your exact circumstances. I have suffered no injuries, no fatigue, and no plateaus or setbacks. One thing, hard work, period. Why do you think professional athletes are all ripped! Do you think their coaches and trainers are worried about "overtraining" as they're running wind sprints, pushing every set to failure, and crawling off the field or out of the gym. Fear of overtraining is an easy way out if pushing your body past what's comfortable.

    I can assure you athletes and coaches are both worried about overtraining.

    This is why they follow specific training schedules to prevent this sort of thing. They don't go all out everyday and certainly not every training session. This is why things like deload weeks exist. Exercise puts stress on the body and when you recover and your body repairs itself from that stress that is when you're body gets stronger. This is why programs are designed around periodisation so athletes bodies have the proper amount of rest to actually adapt to the stress that they're putting on their bodies.

    I have no doubt that you're doing the amount of exercise and rigorous daily activity that you say you're doing as I've seen way too many people (myself included) make the same mistake. And I'll tell you this, you will eventually hit a wall.

    Working construction, excessive exercise, and only 2500 calories a day is a recipe for disaster.

    Whether or not you choose to listen to me is irrelevant. But if you don't understand something as basic as periodisation it might be wise to do a bit of research before giving advice in a fitness forum.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Well thanks for all the info I can take a lot from it, I work hard all day and simply wouldn't have the energy to hit the gym that hard in the evenings as well on the cals I'm eating.
    My TDEE is around 3100 so I'm going to up my cals to 2700 and start this week for a few weeks with the same lifting/cardio program I follow now and see what happens!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Leave the calories where you have them set and give it 4 weeks. You were undereating at 1400 for sure.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks for the response.....
    1. No you'll lose weight as long as you're in a deficit. If you have trouble regulating your appetite and find yourself going over your calorie intake do to processed foods then you may want to consider cutting back on them.

    2. This is fine

    3. Good

    4.. Fat is good. You need about .35 grams of fat per pound of lean body mass. Fish, nuts, seeds, olive oile, steak, eggs, whole milk are all good sources.

    5. Saturated fats are also good. It's trans fats you want to avoid.

    6. Good. Enjoy yourself some.

    7. Good sllep is important

    8. Awesome! It's important to be accurate/

    9.Log your cheat days as best as possible.

    10.This is fine.

    ^^good responses