Running to lose weight - APP challenged

Just started on this site. This is my first post as well. I joined in October 2012 but never posted or entered any data.

I am seriously starting up now. Look forward to seeing how useful this site si too to track calories consumed and expended.

I am wondering if any of you out there have experience with running and tracking your kilometers through an app so that you can see the kilometers ran updated on this site.

I use an IPod while I run and I also have a separate GPS watch which tracks kilometers. I hope there is a way to integrate my existing watch and/or Ipod to MyFitnessPal so i can track my kilometers on this site instead of using 2 different systems (Excel and MyFitnessPal).


  • momentofchaos
    I use Map My Run and I just add the workouts to My Fitness Pal manually. There are some apps in the app section, but I'm not sure they would be compatible with a Garmin or other running watch.

    I started running over 18 months ago. I didn't track anything here after I signed up and I lost quite a bit. I was so excited. Then, I slowed down. Now I've had to mix up my workouts to get back to losing weight, but I love running. I did a 1/2 marathon in Boston last May with friends and I've run quite a few 5K's. I've decided instead of emotional eating, I will become and emotional runner :)

    Congrats on starting your journey!

  • TauCeti
    TauCeti Posts: 5
    Thanks for your reply - It's a challenging road ahead BUT I am determined and love running.

    When you add your workouts manually I can see that this web site tracks time and calories but does it also track distance or do you enter distance in the Notes Section?

  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Try Endomondo or RunKeeper