Tight tummy in the morning, bloated Later

When i wake up in the morning my stomach is very thin and tight and even after I have my breakfast ( which is essentially veggies with turkey or cheese) it barely becomes bigger. Then i dont have anything in school because i can't find healthy meals to eat at school except apples but right now its not the season ( the refrigirated ones taste awful). Then i come home and have lunch and that's when it all starts: after lunch my stomach starts bloating and it will basicly stay bloated for the whole afternoon. And the time i go to bed, if you look a it, you would realize a huge difference with how it looks in the morning! What surprises me is that with a normal person maybe their tummy would grow after a big meal like the lunch i have but with me it just keeps on growing it never goes back to the way it was before until the next morning. Any idea of why this is happening?


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    What are you eating? Your diary is not open so I'm not sure.

    It could be due to a lot of different things. You could have a lactose issue if you are consuming dairy. You could have a gluten intolerance or something related to wheat. You could have IBS or something like that. It could be due to consuming too much fiber too quickly and not enough water.
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    1: What is your sodium intake like the rest of the day? That could be playing a big role in that, becuase to much can make you retain water.

    2: This may be a TMI question, but what are your bathroom habits like? If you are going #2 first thing in the morning or last thing at night that can cause belly bloat during the day.

    All from personal experiences
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    mine does the same. especially when I eat stuff like bread, rice, potatoes etc. it bloats a lot.
    if I try to stay away from those kind of foods it helps, wont be as bloated :3
  • Jacobyk1
    Jacobyk1 Posts: 6
    I drink a lot of water and I've never had a lactose issue even in the morning. So that leaves us with Gluten and ibs. Ive consumed wheat and gluten lroducts all my life but recently after turning paleo some foods made me feel bad ( like pizzas which i dont eat anymore) but my lunch doesnt have much gluten in it except potatoes.. I dont know i think i should run some tests. And can you please tell me more about IBS? Ive tried looking it up but i didnt really understand it
  • Jacobyk1
    Jacobyk1 Posts: 6
    1: we eat food with very low salt at home and i drink like 3L of water everyday so i dont think im retaining water
    2: i usually go #2 in the evening around 6 or 7pm. But i only go 1 time a day. Does that mean anything?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Assuming your sodium is good and you are avoiding starches, I say food takes up space.. I find even when I drink water, my tummy area gets a little bloated afterwards.
  • Jacobyk1
    Jacobyk1 Posts: 6
    Yeah exactly! Mine gets bloated everyday but when i consume wheat products like pasta and pizza i just like im gonna explode! Even threw up a few times because of it
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    I have the same problem and for me it was that my stomach is just not as efficient at digesting food as most people's (this may be TMI.. but it takes me about 12 hours longer to "dispose of" a meal than my husband, even though we ate the same thing at the same time). I have started drinking more teas like dandelion and peppermint, I eat 3 prunes a day, and I'm taking a pro-biotic. It has really helped.