Paleo Diet??????

anyone on here tried the Paleo diet? would love any feedback


  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Many people are on it and love it and claim to feel so much better. I was considering it, but I cannot give up dairy. I love cheese and yogurt too much.
  • jule_sea
    jule_sea Posts: 33
    I have a slight allergy to wheat, oats, and dairy, so I follow Paleo because it is easy to find great recipes. I absolutely LOVE it!!!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I eat real food. I guess that's paleo :tongue:

    I've been eating this way for a year now and feel great, lost weight, better energy...etc. I say "go for it!" It really can't hurt to try basing your meals around meat, veggies, fruit & nuts and avoiding processed food as much as possible, can it?
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Start listening to the podcast "the smarter science of slim" it will give you answers you are looking for.

    Also look up nerd fitness, Steve does paleo, excellent website too.
  • segooey
    segooey Posts: 24
    I don't believe in restricting any foods that I don't have an allergy or intolerance to. I think it's unnecessary for weight loss and extreme.

    I could not agree more!
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    I eat Paleo!

    I love it.

    Keep in mind though, you have to set aside a lot of time to cook; which is easy if you love to cook.
    I highly recommend the book "The Paleo Diet" by Dr. Loren Cordain. He's very educated and it gives different outlooks on the diet according to your lifestyle. I do the 85-15 ratio which allows me to have 3 non paleo elements to my diet every week. Its usually dairy but non fat and not a large portion. He also has a recipe book!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    Many people are on it and love it and claim to feel so much better. I was considering it, but I cannot give up dairy. I love cheese and yogurt too much.

    Then try Primal, it's a less strict version of Paleo (for the most part) that allows dairy.

    Check out the website Mark's Daily Apple for more info about Primal.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Don't do it myself, but I am seeing a guy who is paleo. I find it drastic to cut out entire food groups unless you have an allergy or insensitivity. He likes it, but if he goes off the diet he gains weight again almost immediately. He notes that it is a lifestyle, so don't start it if you don't want to continue it forever. I tried it once just to see what it was like, and while I could get through my day no problem, I lost my speed and kick while running.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Do some research, learn more about it. Lots of info on the internet. It's a lifestyle (not a diet) for health, not just weight loss. I don't find it "restrictive" at all, especially in light of the resolution of serious health problems and incredibly improved energy and overall health. If you want real feedback join Paleo/Primal groups and we'll be happy to tell you our experience there. It usually gets quite ridiculous here in the General Forums.
    Edit: Agreed with some people above that it's not an on and off type of lifestyle (is any eating plan effective when people reach their goal and then resume the lifestyle that made them sick/fat in the first place?). I'm eating whole, natural, biologically appropriate (aka high fat), unprocessed foods for life. And no, I'm not "suffering" from giving up entire "food groups". I'm the healthiest that I have ever been in my life.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I've kind of been doing Paleo. Basically, I just try to eat as few processed foods as possible.
    Yesterday I had spaghetti, which is definitely not Paleo, but I have no regrets since I'm eating mostly natural foods for most meals (i.e. meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, eggs). I've cut out dairy for the time being, but that's easy for me.

    I definitely have noticed I don't crave carbs or sugary foods the way I used to, but I do have a bit of trouble when I'm hungry and not sure what to eat. I eat more nuts and eggs now than I used to. Planning ahead definitely helps.

    The thing is, you can do Paleo most of the time and still see benefits from it. Eating a lot of natural, non processed foods will pay off in the long run. Some people go into it hard core and 100%. I'm not that hard on myself.
  • mmahugh
    mmahugh Posts: 2
    I find that eating paleo really really really helps with my flexibility and the minor joint pain I get from doing yoga 5x/week as well as just generally giving me more energy throughout the day (when I cheat, especially for some bread, I can feel my energy spike and crash). It's hard to follow (it's almost impossible to eat out) but if you plan your meals ahead you can find really satisfying food and feel really good afterwards. Good luck! :)
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I dislike the attitude it's followers have MUCH more than I dislike the diet itself. It's not bad at all to eat whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    I think there are some nutrients (particularly calcium) that most people aren't used to planning how to get when they don't come from common food groups such as dairy.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I dislike the attitude it's followers have MUCH more than I dislike the diet itself. It's not bad at all to eat whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    I think there are some nutrients (particularly calcium) that most people aren't used to planning how to get when they don't come from common food groups such as dairy.

    foods like broccoli are loaded with calcium :)
  • LMG130
    LMG130 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm actually just about to embark on a 30 day paleo journey to try to set my hormones straight. I figure it wont hurt me to give it a shot. Who knows, maybe it will kick butt.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member

    foods like broccoli are loaded with calcium :)

    2.5 Kilo's for 100% DV.

  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I eat according to paleo/primal principles as well. I don't find it restrictive in any way. It's been wonderful in terms of clearing up my own health issues and helping me to regulate my blood sugar. It's also allowed me to lose weight in a very pleasant way, in that I've made a full-on lifestyle change rather than just being on a temporary diet to lose weight.

    I don't think it is necessary to eat this way in order to lose weight. It's just what I do. I'm not a freak about it, and don't care what anyone else does or doesn't eat, nor do I care how they choose to adapt paleo or primal principles to fit their own life. I am gluten sensitive and allergic to dairy in addition to the PCOS related insulin resistance I'm working with right now, so eating this way is sort of a given for me, anyway. My PCOS/IR condition is also improving GREATLY, by the way.

    I don't think anyone should believe you must stick to eating paleo/primal once you start, or you'll gain back all the weight you've lost. That is absolute nonsense! You will gain weight if you overeat, period. It doesn't matter if you overeat carbs, processed foods, or whole foods. If you are consistently in a calorie surplus, you will gain.

    I eat 1800-2000 calories/day of meats, fish, eggs, healthy fats, fresh veggies and the occasional piece of fruit for my carbs. I eat sweet potatoes. I don't eat grains, and I don't eat any processed foods. I avoid added sugars and any sort of sweeteners on a regular basis. Nothing particularly weird or "restrictive" about that, in my opinion.

    I feel great, am exercising 4-6 days per week lifting heavy and swinging kettlebells on alternating days. I'm not having any issues with progressing my strength or my speed and endurance.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I dislike the attitude it's followers have MUCH more than I dislike the diet itself. It's not bad at all to eat whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    I think there are some nutrients (particularly calcium) that most people aren't used to planning how to get when they don't come from common food groups such as dairy.

    Dairy is allowed on primal, which is basically just a less restrictive paleo. I didn't realize there was a difference when I first started, but I educated myself on the paleo boards.

    I chose to go primal (not paleo - mostly because I want my coffee/creamer in the morning). I eat meat, fish, veggies, fruit, nuts & berries, with my daily cream and an occassional bits of cheese. The only things I eliminated from my diet are sweetners (I had sweet teeth - not a sweet tooth!) and processed foods. Nothing too restrictive about that - especially after trying something sweet the other day and about spitting it out (yes, your tastes change when you aren't innundating them with overly processed ingredients). Since eliminating sugar, I have no cravings AT ALL and thoroughly enjoy my fresh food meals. In fact, I walked by a box of donuts about 10 times yesterday and wasn't tempted once. Trust me, that's saying something. :drinker:

    Oh.. and most of the folks on the primal/paleo boards aren't 100%, hard core paleo peeps. Most of us tend to be 80-90% because we all want this to be something we can do long term. Life happens - and if I choose to partake in it, so be it - as long as we're eating a well rounded healthy diet the rest of the time.
  • DaBigChief
    DaBigChief Posts: 146
    I dislike the attitude it's followers have MUCH more than I dislike the diet itself. It's not bad at all to eat whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    I think there are some nutrients (particularly calcium) that most people aren't used to planning how to get when they don't come from common food groups such as dairy.

    Dairy is allowed on primal, which is basically just a less restrictive paleo. I didn't realize there was a difference when I first started, but I educated myself on the paleo boards.

    I chose to go primal (not paleo - mostly because I want my coffee/creamer in the morning). I eat meat, fish, veggies, fruit, nuts & berries, with my daily cream and an occassional bits of cheese. The only things I eliminated from my diet are sweetners (I had sweet teeth - not a sweet tooth!) and processed foods. Nothing too restrictive about that - especially after trying something sweet the other day and about spitting it out (yes, your tastes change when you aren't innundating them with overly processed ingredients). Since eliminating sugar, I have no cravings AT ALL and thoroughly enjoy my fresh food meals. In fact, I walked by a box of donuts about 10 times yesterday and wasn't tempted once. Trust me, that's saying something. :drinker:

    Oh.. and most of the folks on the primal/paleo boards aren't 100%, hard core paleo peeps. Most of us tend to be 80-90% because we all want this to be something we can do long term. Life happens - and if I choose to partake in it, so be it - as long as we're eating a well rounded healthy diet the rest of the time.
    i am right there with you....100lbs lost and maintained for 2 years. Works for me
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I find that the "restrictiveness" of it is what got me to try new veggies & dishes. If I couldn't just boil some pasta or toss some bread on my plate, I had to find a new way to fill my plate, right? So, now I eat a ton of new foods that I had never tried before. It basically opens your mind to new things, instead of the same old pasta, bread, cheese, processed food...etc. that you eat normally.