Back on MFP - Need some motivational friends!

Lucky for my friends, they are all skinny. Unfortunately for me, they can eat all the buffalo chicken dip and drink all of the beer they want without working out. This is not the case for me! I love my friends to death but I need other people to help motivate me on a daily basis and I'll do the same for you!

I always say I'm on a diet and I'm trying to avoid that this time and make healthy life changes. It's been going well for about a month. I haven't been perfect, but I've been much better than I was and working out at least 3 times per week. I try to avoid scales because I tend to get obsessive (years of bulimia will do that to you) so I don't really know what my starting weight. I believe I am around 250 now.

Like I said, I would enjoy some encouragement along the way! I tend to not log on for days at a time and I'm trying to stop that because I know this works! I may still eat well when I don't log in but I want to gain a support group on here so I will make myself log in!

Feel free to friend request me!